bibliophilia run amok

Internet Resources

if what you are looking for isn't otherwise listed in this site these are good places to look next

  1. Academic Resources by Topic at the University of Maryland
  2. American & English Literature Resources
  3. The Argus Clearinghouse
  4. Ask ERIK Toolbox a wide range of informative & educational sites
  5. Book Lovers Fine Books & Literature
  6. BUBL LINK: Libraries of Networked Knowledge
  7. Directory of Historical Resources
  8. Directory of Scholarly and Professional E-comfrences
  9. Educational Hotlists
  10. Electronic Documents mostly history
  11. Encyberpedia by Monte Cristo "Thousands of the Best Reference Links on the Internet"
  12. Einet Galaxy
  13. Exeter University Library Subject Tree
  14. FAQ Finder
  15. Fondren Library: Publicly- Accessible Online Texts very extensive list of on-line archives
  16. Free Internet Encyclopedia An exhaustive & extensive index of links on many subjects
  17. Gopher Jewels an index to the best of gopher-space
  18. Humanities Hub
  19. Information Sciences Library Subject Guides
  20. Infomine - Scholarly Internet Resource Collections University of California
  21. InterGalatic Library
  22. Inter-Links "an Internet navigator, resource locator and tutorial"
  23. Internet Book Information Center"The granddaddy of book-related sites on the Internet"Publishers Weekly
  24. Internet Literature Resources
  25. Internet Resources Meta-Index includes subject trees for many university gopher systems
  26. InterNIC Directory and Database Sevices
  27. InterNIC Directory of Directories
  28. Lehigh University: Subject-Oriented Web Servers
  29. Links to electronic Book and Text sites
  30. A Literary Index: Making sence of Literature on the Internet
  31. Literary Research Tools
  32. Literature Resources and Other Literature from the same people
  33. Magellan Internet Guide
  34. MEGASOURCES: Surfing for Information and/or Journalism Resources
  35. MIT Libraries - Subjects Collected click on a subject and you will get info about that section of the library. Click on "Internet Resources" to get the links list. It is well worth the effort!
  36. My Virtual Encyclopedia Another exhaustive & extensive index of links with 41 subject catagories
  37. Nerd World Media Internet Subject Index
  38. On-line books Page links with e-text repositories both English and foreign
  39. On-line Literary Resources
  40. Online Resources by Subject
  41. Other WWW Sites - misc.
  42. The OTIS Index searchable index with links to major directory and search sites
  43. Penn Library - Resources by Subject
  44. Ready Net Go: Internet Resources for Archives
  45. Research Institute for the Humanities index of meta-indices
  46. Resources of Scholarly Societies By Subject
  47. Resources by Subject
  48. RiceInfo: Internet Navigation Tools
  49. Rice's Subject Guides to Internet Resources
  50. Rice University - Department Web Pages many of the pages include links sections - very useful
  51. Rutgers University Libraries' Internet Resources by Subject Catagory
  52. Skeptics Society; Discussion Forum; Skeptic's Dictionary
  53. Study Web "over 15,000 research-quality links Categorized and Reviewed!"
  54. Subject-Specific Guides
  55. University of Southern California Researchers' Resources and Arts & Humanities
  56. THOR+ : The Virtual Library
  57. Virtual Reference Sites "contains over 25,000 of the most populaar information reference locations and tools on the Web"
  58. Virtual Search Sites "over 750 of the most specialized search engines within 45 easy to use categories"
  59. Voice of the Shuttle web page for Humanities Research
  60. WebRing Ring World
  61. WebScout
  62. World Internet Directory
  63. World Wide Web Virtual Library
  64. Yahoo's Subject Tree
  65. ZoomQuake Home

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