This site is dedicated to the study of several diaries written by Jane Minerva Tillotson in the 1850s and 60s. I am attempting to reconstruct, as much as possible, the world of this mid-western woman, her towns, family, and friends. The site will ultimately contain transcriptions of the three diaries and historical and genealogical data about the places she lived and the families of her friends and relatives. This site must be considered to be under construction and information is presented as tentative while the study is being done. While I have worked on this project for several years, this is the first attempt to begin bringing information together. I am utilizing the resources of the internet to hopefully make contact with others interested in some of the people and towns associated with these diaries.

The diaries do not contain any dramatic revelations or any special comments on the happenings of the times. Indeed, the two diaries written during the Civil War make virtually no mention of the war, except for a couple of indirect references. The diaries reveal more about the day to day life of a rural Brunswick, Medina County, Ohio widow in 1858 and 1861 who married a second time in the nearby town of Nelson, Portage County, and then moved with her husband to small town life in Ionia County, Michigan in 1864. The people are unremarkable. My primary interest in them is obviously family history and genealogy. As a history teacher I am also interested in American social history and these diaries provide a vehicle to study a typical lifestyle from American History.

In transcribing the 1864 diary I have added capitalization and punctuation when needed. Some words are unreadable and have, therefore, been omitted but noted with an elipsis. The 1858 and 1861 diaries were transcribed by my mother in the 1950s and the original diaries are apparently now lost (although I still hope only misplaced).

Anyone interested is encouraged to add to the information when they can. Anyone who finds the information useful, has something to add, or who has questions about the project is encouraged to E-mail me.

The Jane Minerva Tillotson Diaries


Brunswick, Medina County, Ohio


Brunswick, Medina County, Ohio


Nelson, Portage County, Ohio

Ionia, Ionia County, Michigan

Everyday Life as described in the Brunswick, Ohio diaries

Biographical sketches and photos


Links to related sites

Created by: William L. Kidder (

Last revision: 30 December 1997


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