During the war, large numbers of black soldiers were drafted into the band. After the war, some of these men went on to become great musicians.
Some white northerners in the army and around the army who were in contact with the black musicians collected examples and recorded information about the musical practices of the black men in the army. Colonel Higginson did this along with Laura Towne who made observations about ex-slaves in St. Helena on their musical practices, and she collected song texts. Elizabeth Botume observed and recorded things about the music in contraband camps.
Life in the contraband camps was similar to life on the plantation. Blacks lived in special quarters under the supervision of whites and worked in jobs that aided the war efforts.
The blacks sang while they worked. they sang songs like "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Had" and "I Can't Stay Behind" at periodic festivals, and sang at funerals with whites leading them. They would sit all night with their families after a funeral and clap their hands.