Middle School Math and Science

Awesome Middle School Math/Science SuperLinks Page...

Welcome to the Middle School Math and Science SuperLinks home page. Here is a collection of great middle school math and science links, plus other information that may be of interest to middle school folks. Hope you enjoy them. They are the next best thing to a good book. Just a reminder...if you use these sites in your work, be sure to properly reference the source. If you find a particularly good site, send an e-mail to the address listed below. Happy surfing!

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A selection of interesting Math Sites, including games, puzzles and interactive activities. Need help on math? From fractions to fractals, and from geometry to googolplex, you'll probably find it here. Take a look at math history. Investigate math all around us. Take advantage of our money back guarantee. If you don't think these sites are the coolest...well, too bad!

Links to General Science Page. You'll find great information on the history of science, inventions, weird science, do-it-yourself science, and a selection of gross and unusual stuff. Been to the museum lately? Explore a variety of virtual museums. No charge! By the way, I hear you're related to Einstein. He's a close relativity.

Links to Physics Page. Want to know how something works? This is the place to find out. Learn about light and optics. Explore Nanoworld and see what the eye of a flea looks like magnified thousands of times. Need to learn about motion, collisions, electricity, or the physics of ordinary stuff? In a hurry? Take a look at the physics of racing. On the other hand, if you've got some time, explore various sites that look at unusual aspects of time.

Links to Chemistry Page. The sites referenced deal with a wide variety of interesting topics related to chemistry. Chemistry is all around us! Explore some of these sites to learn how things react. Explore chemistry and you will react positively to these sites! The on-line periodic table is particularly good. If you need information on atomic weights or uses for elements, this is the place.

Links to Earth Science Page. Storm Warning!!! Hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, and earthquakes. These are just some of the natural disasters found on these sites. Warning...not for the weak hearted! Shake..rattle..and roll over to the up-to-the-minute map of California earthquakes. Load up your plate on plate tectonics to see where you've been and where you're going.

Links to Astronomy Page. Tired of the day to day routine of things close to home? Then explore another world. See the NASA picture of the day. While you're at it, take a look of the latest Hubble Telescope pictures. Peer into a black hole, but don't get too close. There are some awesome sites referenced in this section. It's out of this world! If you've got some time, grab some popcorn and attend space theater. You're likely to see your favorite star.

Links to Biology and Life Science Page. Dissect a frog on-line. See a virtual body. Check out the Cells Alive Page or visit one of the referenced on-line zoos. Bring an umbrella. Weather reports indicate a chance of rain in the rainforest. Explore the world of biology and life science.

Links to Health and Fitness Page. Here are some great sites that address health and fitness issues for teens. Need information on smoking, drugs, and health and the human body? Start here.

Links to The Technology of Racing Page. Ladies and gentlemen...start your engines! The sites referenced on the technology of racing will rev up your interest in cars, motorcycles, or any other wheeled vehicle that goes fast. Do you want to know how a car works? Do you want information on any make or model? Do you need information on how much cars cost? Are you thinking of joining NASCAR? Well this is the place for you.

Links to Las Mathematicas y Ciencias en Espanol. These sites address many of the topics outlined above, except they are in Spanish. Want to brush up on your Spanish? Explore some these sites. It's the next best thing to a trip south of the border. Check this out!

Links to The Fun Facts Page. Just the facts ma'am... here is a collection of fun facts that may be useful for math and science activities, or just for fun. Most of these facts are of little use, other than making you a hit at parties, but check them out anyway.

Links to Teacher Sites, Including Lesson Plan Ideas. These sites include the latest in educational research as well as helpful hints. If you need information on everything from graphing calculators to quick references to selected county offices of education and professional organizations, this is the place. There are also sites that focus on multi-cultural education, as well as on other areas of interest to teachers.

Really cool reference materials:

Here is a mixed bag of sites that are interesting and useful.


ABC News
The Calgary Herald Newspaper Online

Useful Places on the WEB

AMAZON.COM - The World's Largest On-Line Bookstore for Books and Music
Blue Mountain On-Line Greeting Cards for all Occasions
Welcome to the Electronic Schoolhouse


Internet Movie Database
TV Guide Television Broadcast Listings
The CIA World Factbook - Evidence That the CIA Does Gather Intelligence
MetaScience Scientific Research Using The NSF Supercomputing Center
National Laboratories - Science Work at the Department of Energy Labs
U.S. Government Patent and Trademark Office - Database of Patents and Trademarks
Intellectual Property Network - Search for Worldwide Patent Applications

Reference Sources

The Modern Language Association ( MLA) Style Guidelines for Quoting Sources
Information Please One Stop Source for Reference Information
Common Weights and Measures
Find The Answers to Your Questions; Ask 4 Advice On Just About Anything
The NIST Reference on Physical Constants, Units, and Uncertainty
WEB Encyclopedia - Britannica Internet Guide
Martendale's Reference Sources
Electric Library Encyclopedia


Dictionary of Science Quotations
Famous Quote of the Day
Famous Quotations Central
Educational and Mathematical Quotations Server

Online Libraries and Museums

The Internet Public Library
The Awesome Library
The New York Public Library On-Line
The Michigan Public Library On-Line
Academy of Achievement- Interactive Museum of Living History
American Museum of Natural History
UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
Castles On the Web - Information on Castles

Science Fairs

Science Fair Central
Virtual Library of Science Fairs


Glossary for Math Standards

Glossaries and Dictionaries

German - English Science Dictionary
Glossary of Weather Terms


Map Quest
University of Texas PCL Map Collection
Color Landforms of the United States
Maps of National Parks and Monuments
Yahoo Maps

Search Tools

Ask Jeeves Natural Language Search Engine
KidsClick! - A Cool Search Engine
Surf Point - Another Cool Search Engine
Beaucoup Index of Internet Search Engines
Four11 People Finder
All-In-One Look Up Service

Recommended Sites

Top Rated WEB Sites
Librarians Rate the WEB - American Library Association's 700 Recommended Sites

Have fun, conduct your own Internet search:


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Please send comments to Tom Wenzel and Callie Welstead

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