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Welcome, fine traveler to the Shire of Blackmoor Keep. In the shire can find many things
of interest. We hope that you both enjoy your stay, and return on many occasions.
To begin with, the Shire of Blackmoor Keep is a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism,
a non-profit educational corporation dedicated to the study of the Middle Ages and
Renaisance European culture. The shire is located in Lake Charles, La.
It is the sincere wish of the populace of the Shire of Blackmoor Keep, that you find
your stay in our little town both enjoyable and enlightening. And we sincerely wish
that you come back for another visit.

Monthly Articles Some of our favorite places

Shire Regnum
OfficeReal NameMundane Name
SeneschalLd. Kenrick BoschMarcus Tanner
Reve/HistorianLdy. Barbara SterlingBarbara Flieg
Knight MarshallJean LouisJay Ardoin
HeraldGerard d'AmoursChris Louviere
A&S MinisterIn Transition
Minister of ChildrenKeterlyn von FuldaStacy Eastwood