
Hi there. I know I promised all sorts of things I planned to do with my website when I first wrote this page, but, frankly, there isn't room for most of those things anyway. What there is just enough room for is my project on the works of Roger Zelazny.

I'm afraid little has changed in quite some time. I've left the university to join the US Navy Nuclear Power Program, and I just don't have the kind of time I used to. I also don't have the easy and free access to the web that a university provides. But I haven't forgotten my project.

Although I pride myself on keeping up with new publications, it turns out that Zelazny slipped one by me in 1998. It is a collaborative effort with Alfred Bester, a very popular Sci-Fi author in the 50's, and it's listed under Bester --It was his book first. The title is Psychoshop. Check it out, but first check out the site.

Let's hit the books!