

"I still can't understand why it's so easy for a woman to get excommunicated in Italy! All the time, people seemed to be saying: 'No, you mustn't go here, you mustn't go there; you'll be excommunicated.' There's no respect for us poor wretched women anywhere. And yet you'll find the love of God much commoner among women than among men, and the women at the Crucifixion showed much more courage than the Apostles, exposing themselves to insult, and wiping our Lord's face. I suppose he lets us share the neglect he himself chose for his lot on earth; in heaven, where the last will be first, we shall know more about what God thinks."

--St. Therese de Lisieux


"When I hear people discussing birth control, I always remember that I was fifth."

--Clarence Darrow


"We cultivate an antagonism toward the artist and develop a sado-masochistic relationship with him or her. Often we demand that as proof or penance for the art, the writer must be addicted, psychotic, desperately unhappy or suicidal."

--Valerie Miner "The Book into the World" in Creative Writing in America: Theory and Pedagogy, Ed. by Joseph M. Moxley.


"Sex has become one of the most discussed subjects of modern times. The Victorians pretended that it did not exist; the moderns pretend that nothing else exists."

--Fulton J. Sheen


"Modest doubt is called the beacon of the wise."

--William Shakespeare.


"I want to know all God's thoughts... all the rest are just details."

--Albert Einstein


"Fame is proof that people are gullible."

--Ralph Waldo Emerson.


"Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God."

--Heywood Broun


(On creative writing:)

"If you feel pressure to say what you know others want to hear and don't have enough devil in you to surprise them, shut up."

--Richard Hugo. "Writing off the Subject", Creativity and the Writing Process, 1982.


"There is no bigotry like that of 'free thought' run to seed."

--Horace Greeley


"The orgasm has replaced the cross as the focus of longing and fulfillment."

--Malcolm Muggeridge


"Your capacity to keep your vow will depend on the purity of your life."

--Mahatma Gandhi


"He who exhorts another to desist from grief would only provoke him to increased lamentations and having incurred his hatred would add fuel to the flame by such speeches besides being regarded himself as an unkind and foolish person." --Tertullian, To a widow, 3rd century


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