culture pages

Below you find selected culture pages our students of English (EFL) have produced in optional language classes at the Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), in the past. Our aim is provide information about our culture, other cultures and issues related to student life in Dresden/Germany and abroad. The individual culture pages are not updated and some of the information provided may be obsolete. The content of the pages does not reflect the opinion of our department or Dresden University of Technology.

Udoka Ogbue


Dresden students look into Amish culture

TU Dresden - Kent State University Exchange Guide
American students provide a starter for the TUD - KSU exchange programme

African American Arts in Nashville
seen through the eyes of a Dresden student


American Lesbian Photography
Dresden students look into past and present

Price of Freedom
Afro-German project

Foreign students in Dresden
international students' views on Dresden



Working in the USA 
a Dresden student shares her experience

British literature guide for students of English



Cinema in Dresden  
guide to non mainstream and foreign language films in Dresden

Experiencing Israel  
two students have travelled to Israel



Eating in America
American food and culture as seen by two German students touring the US

Elbhangfest Dresden  
guide to street festival along the Elbe river dedicated to the regional culture

Jewish Life in Dresden
students explore the local Jewish community

Literature in Dresden  
students find out about contemporary writers in their neighbourhood


Student exchange guide  
to help you take your first steps in Dresden

Dresden at night  
cinemas, pubs and clubs

German - British culture page
do's and dont's in Germany



Belmont guide  
student guide to our partner university in Nashville, TN

Red Ryder  
Dresden students theatre performance "When you comin' back, Red Ryder?"

Sächsische Schweiz  
leisure time activities in the surroundings of Dresden

Or gugge ma'  
Saxon language guide

Would you like to know more?

Our students have had at least 6-8 years of English. They  usually work in pairs or groups and together decide on a topic with everybody having specific tasks to do. To keep track of what they do and to practise writing, they also keep a journal. To give you an example, check out the Red Ryder journal.

Culture Pages Project:

prerequisites: basic Internet skills (WWW, E-mail, FTP)

aims: create culture pages on the WWW, practise creative writing and problem solving, focus on student-oriented learning and team work, raise inter-cultural awareness

realisation: time schedule - 1 semester (October/February and April/June)

requirements: choose specific topic area, present team project pages and personal homepage, keep journal and write final essay summarizing topic and evaluating project

Would you like to take a look at some class and resource pages our students use to practise their English and Internet applications?

Mastering Internet Basics


Internet Advanced Class

Journal writing World of English

contact: homepage / e-mail
last revised: 13 February 2004