PhD Ponderings

***This page is no longer updated, and new issues are not coming out. Please peruse the archives below instead. Thanks ***

These are my ponderings, thoughts about life in graduate school, based on Aaron Karo's Ruminations. They're fictional entertainment and not criticism so don't sue me. - rani

#1 - thoughts on the first year
#2 - the year ends
#3 - summer
#4 - a new beginning
#5 - thanksgiving
#6 - fall ends
#7 - millennium issue
#8 - spring
#8.5 - may
#8.75 - june
#9 - september
#10 - october
#11 - the light
#12 - life after grad school
#13 - changing direction
#14 - the resume
#15 - seven steps
#16 - the thesis committee
#17 - the thesis committee, part two
#18 - making grad life easier
#19 - oh no!
#20 - i'm finishing up
#21 - committed
#22 - grads have left the building
#23 - is it summer or what?
#24 - aah summer

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