by James Thomas Lee, Jr. 11/06/96 Copyrighted 1995 by James Thomas Lee, Jr. Copyright Number: TXu 704-227
Chapter 34. A Second Look at the Theory of Evolution {132 words} a. What The Bible Says About Evolution {404 words} b. An Amazing Discovery {428 words} c. Simple Enough For A Fifth Grader {183 words}
Chapter 34. A Second Look at the Theory of Evolution {132 words}
Concerning the Theory of Evolution, there is not much left to say! Fact 4C-1 indicates that the evolution of life from the lower vertebrae classes to the higher classes of mammals cannot be explained. Fact 4G-1 notes the lack of a fossil record which might, if found, verify some of the theory's teachings. Fact 4E-1 speaks of the very, very slim chance that the right environment for evolution could have ever existed. And Fact 4J-1 points out that this theory, despite its numerous shortcomings, is still taught as truth in public schools. The positive data that supports this theory cannot really respond to all the criticisms. Therefore, like the Big Bang theory, this belief is also on very shaky, very shallow ground.
When one looks at ALL the Facts, the saga becomes even worse! By referring to the Book of Genesis, one can find the correct answer about evolution. Moses wrote:
And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let the birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. . . . And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them [1].
These verses talk about God as having created life on earth, and not one part of that process even remotely suggested the possibility of evolved life. Notice the number of times the expressions "according to their kinds" and "according to its kind" are used! The first appears five times, and the second appears twice. These words suggest that God created life, that He organized that life according to certain classes and species, and then that that life was meant to reproduce itself according to the same. There is no reason or leeway for someone to read this passage and conclude that evolution is correct. If anything, the opposite is true! Therefore, when considering ALL the Facts, the Theory of Evolution not only fails to hold up, but it also appears to be just one more weapon in the devil's massive, deceptive arsenal. Who else could or would have fabricated and been behind such a fantastic scheme? The answer, in my opinion, is no one!
One final point about this theory remains that should be mentioned. I spoke earlier about a study that I had conducted during the winter months between December 1982 and February 1983. I indicated that I had examined the seven head-to-head confrontations between God and the devil, and as I completed that study, I was struck by another most interesting discovery! Imagine, if you will, Moses trying to write the first chapter of Genesis! He would have begun by writing that God created the earth and then would have gone on to speak about the days and events of that creation. For some reason, though, after writing about the specific creation of each type of life, he inserted one of the above two expressions, either "according to their kinds" or "according to its kind." Why did he do that and why do those words appear in the very first scene of the very first chapter of the Bible? In 1983, I found the mere presence of those expressions in the opening part of the Bible to be most interesting!
The reason for my intrigue was that I then thought about Martin Luther many years later reading that first chapter and those very words. I thought to myself that he had probably read right past those phrases many times without ever once giving any of them much thought. One might ask why that would be, and I would quickly respond by saying that evolution was not even an issue until about one hundred and fifty years ago. Martin Luther would not have had any reason to think anything special about those words or of their subtle meaning simply because evolution was not part of that day's technology or thinking.
Therefore, each time that I read those words, I am reminded that the Lord is speaking specifically to this generation and that He is trying to warn us, the people of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, to not be trapped by this example of the devil's deceptive nudgings. Moses did not have any special reason for penning that first part of Genesis exactly as he did. During that time in his life, he would not have known enough to write such clear words against the latter-day Theory of Evolution. Of course, the same can really be said about the Big Bang theory, too. His words concerning the creation of the earth also put down that theory, yet it is inconceivable to me that he would have understood all that he was writing.
Concerning God's handling of these latter-day theories, the conclusion is both uncanny and also at the same time beautiful. It is that all one really needs for knowing the truth about either of these scientific theories, hence about Creation itself, can be found in the very first chapter of the very first Book in the Bible. Yet, most people for one reason or another either have never looked or are already fully persuaded that the Bible cannot really be trusted. How foolish, and how sad! Fact 28G-3 says it all. The devil is very sneaky, and he has already fooled most of this civilization! Like the Big Bang theory, there is not any factual evidence to truly support the Theory of Evolution. Based upon ALL the Facts, the devil once again seems to be the most likely culprit behind this whole thing, which makes our solution, as promised earlier, both simple and simplistic. Also as was promised, this whole thing really is simple enough for even a Fifth Grader to see!
1. Genesis 1:20-21, 24-27.
Chapter 35. Understanding God's Message To Humanity
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