1. Attestation is better for I John than either of the other two.
2. II and III John may have been part of I John.
3. Polycarp and Dionysis and the big three (Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, and Irenaeus) accepted this one.
4. John is writing to a group of churches, rather than just one.
5. Cannot be dated precisely, maybe 85-90AD.
6. Purposes:
(a) To increase their joy
(b) To keep them from sin
(c) To give assurance of salvation
(d) To warn against error
7. II John - writing to the elect lady (who is this?)
8. Purposes:
(a) Proper Separation
(1) Primary separation is to separate from unbelievers (II John)
(2) Secondary separation is to separate from the sinful believers (I Corinthians 5, II Corinthians 6)
(b) Primary Cooperation
9. III John - written to Gaius (which one?)
10. Sin unto death can be any sin. This is not a salvation issue.
11. II John 9-10 is on primary separation.
Tom of Bethany "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (I John 5:12)
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