Selected Essays And Book Reviews

Lesson 15 - Christ - The Servant {457 words}

1. What seven things did Jesus know? When Jesus washed His disciples' feet, He knew: (1) that His hour had come, (2) that His glory was near, (3) that all things were in His hand, (4) that He had come from God, (5) that it was His time to return to the Father, (6) that He was both Master and Lord, and (7) that He would be betrayed and denied.

2. Why did Jesus wash the disciples' feet? He did so as an example of humility, as a rebuke to peoples' pride, as a picture of daily cleansing, as a warning to Judas Iscariot, as a picture of His humiliation, and as a reminder of His union and communion with believers.

3. Whose feet might Jesus have washed first? Most commentators think Jesus washed the feet of Judas first. Judas sat on the Lord's left, which was a place of honor. Also, Judas had to leave to betray Jesus, so logistically, he might have been first so that he could get out of there.

4. What is the meaning of the two washes? The first washing symbolizes regeneration and represents the sinner's union with Christ. The second washing is a daily cleansing and represents the believer's communion with the Lord.

5. Does this example supply a basis for foot washing in today's church? Why? No. Only two ordnances were given to the church - baptism and the Lord's table. There is no evidence or illustration that the church practiced washing feet. Washing feet was a social custom of that day rather than a church instruction. There is not any symbolism associated with washing feet like there is for baptism. Jesus only used feet washing as an example of humility, not as a command.

6. What warnings did Jesus give to Judas? In verse thirteen, Jesus said that not all His disciples were clean. In verse eighteen, Jesus said that one of them would raise up his heel against Him. In verse twenty-one, He said that one of the twelve would betray Him. In verse twenty-six, He gave the sop to Judas. In verse twenty-seven, Jesus told him to do it quickly.

7. Why did the disciples not realize Judas was being warned, or that Judas would betray Christ? Because Jesus' actions and movements were normal. He was not drawing special attention to Judas.

8. Who leaned on Jesus' breast? John was on the Lord's right. He was the most beloved, and he was the one leaning on Jesus.

9. What are the characteristics of a disciple? A disciple cannot say, "Not so, Lord." A disciple must follow, be disciplined, be a student of the Word, love one another, and bring forth fruit.

					Tom of Spotswood

"He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (I John 5:12)

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)

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