Proofsfor the existence of the Trilateral Commision and the Bilderberg Club from news agencies,universities,international organisations,goverments etc.
Strigas (important) a NATO/Trilateral Commision agent reveals some truths
Masonic signs of the DollarMirror of a Website that has closed
Masonic signs on the Hellenic 500drx bill
Masonic signs on the Estonian currency
Questioning for the Symbol of the European Union
The manipulation of Hellas from the U.S. (includes TOP Secret NATO/DIA etc. documents)
Internet-the ultimate mindcontrol tool?-Making you a cyberslave30.01.1999
The Schengen agreement in .html and .txt form
CIA and the Nukes in Hellas(in Hellenic only)
The oil in the Aegean (in Hellenic only)

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