=========================================================================== The Schengen treaty and Electronic ID's. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Metrolopolis Stagon and Meteora Holy monastery of Meteora Republication of informative brochure of H.M. Stagon and Meteora Prologue of Metropolite Seraphim. With deep emotions of concern in the last days we witnessesed political and govermental decisions and legislative actions with great importance and consequences for the principles and the hypostasis of the Orthodox Hellens(Greeks). The validation of the Schengen treaty from the Hellenic parliament,arises many dangers for the country and its people since this treaty brings painful wounds to the body of our constitution,the Orthodox Christian Church and our tradition. Connecting all these consequences with the impeding emission of electronic ID's and the use in them of the number 666, number of the "beast" of Apocalypse,renders a minatory danger for our faith and our salvation. In our demanding days our alertness and the informing of our faithful people is essential.For this reason our Holy Metropolis proceeded to proportional actions by calling to a meeting its guided monasteries and priests.Result of these meetings was the emission of a resolution in order to inform and support our christian people. For the greater analysis of these subjects the Holy monastreries of Meteora proceed to the emission of this informative brochure that we as a bishop and Metropolite of this province support,encourage and bless. Quotes In the last days with a number of decisions and actions of the Hellenic goverment ,the demanding procedure for the subsumption of our country to the regime of the Schengen treaty and its corresponding electronic information system was fullfilled.The procedure of configuring the essential legislative grid started in the 6th November of 1992 with the accession of Hellas(Greece) to the agreement for the emforcement of the Schengen treaty and it ended to 11 June of 1997 with its validation from the Hellenic goverment. The process to the validation of the treaty was deeply marked with the action of the govermnet to accede to it without informing the Hellenic people and despite the various reactions that existed.Something similar happened with the voting of the bill for "protection of the person from the processing of private information". The text of the Schengen agreement is one of the most blatant blows against our God-given freedom and democracy.It is a phenomenal violation of sovereign rights of our private and social life of the man.Struggles and conquest of centuries for the protection and the foundation of the freedom,the principles and rights of the autonomy and self-definition of the citizens are being passed over and abolished. In the name of a pretending regard for the safety of border transfers a climate of suspiciousness and police is being cultivated and enforced with the form of an unalloyed protectionism that crushes the citizen,abolishes the person and subtends and judges the citizens with totalitarian criteria that undermine the human substance. The treaty operates in the same demolishing way against the national,religious,cultureal character of the people because the criteria that are being legislated in order to judje the citizens are completely ambiguous and subjective,adapted each time to the will and the purposes of those that define them. Therefore it evokes a dominant ideology that obtains universal power and is being enforced within a system of controls and limitations.The ability of survival and nomination of Hellenism is therefore nonexistent.In a Europe of disjunctions and supplantations,where ideas and behaviors are being judjed and specified,the hellenic uniqueness,the national,religious and cultural hypostasis are being eroded,corrupted and condemned. In a heterodox in its majority Europe,that tends to sanction the religious syncretism and the new ecumenism,Orthodoxy is endangerd to be a controlled minority,tied to the control of Anti-Hellenic and Anti-Orthodox centers.Of the same importance is the danger of misquote and forgering the orthodox principles within the confusion and disorientation. The electronic information system Schengen,the vehicle to implement the treaty,becomes a powerful central system of supplying and processing data,capable to control,judje,define and misguide human decisions and actions. The weakening of institutions,with the undermining and infraction of vital principles of the regular function of our democratic constitution guide us political captives bond of modern electronic dictatorship. The combination of the operation of the electronic system Schengen and the emission of the appropriate electronic ID's reduces further our freedom.The use of the number 666 (number of the Antichrist),in the new ID's transfers us to the sayings and the enviroment of the Apocalypse. The descriptions of the Holy Book about the universal dominion of the Antichrist and the threat of economic embargo are brought to life in our days and give to the modern events eschatological dimensions since there appear matters related to our faith and salvation. By not accepting to receive the new electronic ID's we refuse to endanger our values of our faith and our country.We refuse to confiscate voluntary our freedom giving it to foreign cotrol and power centers that enforce a totalitarian and disaffected climate. On the opposite side of this climate,in the roots of civilisation and our tradition,in the heart of the meaning of life and of our existence the Hellenic Christian Orthodox experience is expressing the value of human's freedom.In the orthodox Church the man is promoted to a person.It does take meaning and individuality and is raised from the level of selfness to the level of consecration and theosis. As receivers and conveyors of such a tradition the monks of the Holy monasteries of Holy Meteora feel even greater the commitment that the operation of the Schengen treaty enforces us and we deny to resign under the pressure of orders of foreign center,endangering the integrity of our principles and beliefs.We consider as a duty to inform the faithful to the Hellenic Orthodox tradition people for all these that happen against him. The chronicle of the agreement. The "Schengen treaty" was contracted in 14th June 1985 in the town Schengen of Luxemburg with the greatest possible secrecy.The countries that signed are France,Germany,Luxemburg and the Netherlands.The signing of this agreement was revealed,with 3 years of delay,the French senator P.Masson in the November of 1988. The signing of some other secret agreements had preceeded such as the one in the European session in the Fontenebleau of France in 17th June 1984.One month later in 13th July the agreement called "Experimental Agreement Saarerbruck" was signed that according to it all the street control between France and Germany ended. As matters the other countries of the E.U. the chronicle of their accession is: *27 November 1990 accedes Italy *25 June 1991 accedes Spain and Portugal *6 November 1992 accedes Hellas(Greece) *March 1994 accedes as an observer Denmark *June 1994 accedes as an observer Austria. *Britain and Irland denied to acceed. The sanction of the agreement from Hellas premised the adoption of the bill "for the protection of the man from the processing of private data".The reactions that caused the deposal of this bill have lead to continious postponements until its adoption in March 1997. The real face of the agreement. By singing the Maastricht agreement and the creation of the E.U. without borders the need of regulating the border transfers arised.The Schengen agreement determines the control and transfer procudes of the citizen for the countries that have signed it.The operation of the agreement is being made within the use of an electronic information system with the collection and processing of private data of the citizens.An enourmous electronic filing system is established with the ability of processing data of millions of citizens. The operation of the system is based on the connection of the local national networks with the central computer of Strasburg.At any moment the Control Headquarters can know anything about the private life of each citizen.This means that the various nations are left forceless in front of the reality that enforces the totalitarian spirit of the european superpower. It is a full counterfeiting of the principles and values of the united Europe.The vision of the citizens for the peaceful living of the nations is crushed by the creation of a police state of controls and separations.A powerful electronic dictator undertakes the regulation of the humans fates and specifies their history. And this nightmare remains despite the adoption of supposed protection bills.The various reactions that have been caused show exactly the will of the citizens of the Europe not to exchange their personal freedom with their political and economical prosperity. The violation of principles and rights. With the Schengen treaty citizens sovereign rights are being violated and abolished together with and it is an assault against fundamental personal freedom.The Schengen agreement itself,in its spirit and substance,is illiberal, antidemocratic and anticonstitutional.Specifically the Schengen agreement induces: *Legalization of electronic filing with the institution and operation of specific information system (p.92-118) *Reduction of the human factor,overlooking of the individuality and variety and also vitiation of the concept of person andc onversion to a subject-object of information collecting. *Abolition of the secrecy of the private life and the right of the person to insulation and anonymity with the collecting and processing private character data. *Abolition the right to free reformation of the personality since the constant ability to access personal data of a person constrains the free will and its activation. *Constrain of the ability to announce to the citizens the personal data that has been processed (p.109,114.2). *Subversion of the innocence presumption.In case of incrimination of citizens it rests to their shoulders to prove their innocence !(p.25,40,96,99). *Cultivation of a climate of suspisiousness and incrimination of the citizens and even of their intentions ! (p.5.1d,e,25,40,96.2b). *Cultivation of a climate of social racism by characterising the citizens and sorting them into catalogs of non-wanted with subjective criteria (p.5,25). *Violation of the regulation regarding granting asylum and protecting the refugees with ambiguous terms,violation of the Geneve treaty (p.29-38). *Assignment to the proper mediums(!)of the right to surveillance within the borders of a country without its prior approval (p.40.1,2). *Lack of limpidness and democratic control with the inefficient legal protection of the citizens. *Contrast to the constitutions of the countries and to the international declaration of the human's rights. *Creation of a national threat with the use and processing of data from third parties that its possible hostile attitude against our country,now or in the future,can endanger the security and our teritorial integrity.In this spirit is placed the bill regarding "the protection of the person from the processing of private data".It is a law that only the protection of the Hellenic citizen doesn't assure.Its provisions are characterised of an intense obscureness of principles and measures that are self-contradictory.A range of intentional legal leaks leave unprotected the citizen,really compromised towards the control of the central control system. The voting of this bill was the essential precondition for the validation of the Schengen treaty from the Hellenic parliament.Its connection with the activation of the law(1599/1986) for the emission of electronic ID's renders it even more dangerous for the freedom of the Hellenic (Greek) citizens and therefore its immediate recall is needed. Electronic ID's For the effective operation of the Schengen Information System(SIS) the use of electronic ID's is needed.Because only with these the immediate and easy access to the information for each citizen is possible. The electronic ID's have two serious "advantages" for the information system: * The first "advantage" is the ability of the new ID to provide thousands of information for its owner.This information will be encrypted in a proper medium and will be possible to be read from a computer or some other electronic device. * The second "advantage" is the use of one unified coded number for each citizen.This unified number will be useful for the crossing and recovery of information.The ability of crossing information with the use of one unified number is the most powerful ability of the electronic Schengen Information System.One question is aroused:"aren't we already been filed","Don't they know everything about us the organisations that hold electronic database files?".The crossing of all these data is that what is added in the new information system.This means that collecting from many files (police,services,clubs,hospitals) will be possible so that a "profile" of the person is being made,an as much possible clear view of the person's principles,attitude and activities. Regarding the collection of private character information the concept of concidence remains undefined.The time,the motives, the purpose and the condition under somebody did something is diverse and should taken into account. Another use do have the information regarding the religious or political action of a person in the files of a club and another use get the files in the hands of a foreign religious medium or the employers or the police.The characterization of the citizens according their beliefs is accomodated! Legislative regulations Under this direction a range of legislative regulations of the hellenic goverments during the last decade determine and adjust the new type of ID's based on the criteria of the information system.By reading the related bills one can clearly see a careful attempt to cover-up the purposes of the treaty and to disorientate the Hellenic people.An obscure to the common citizen terminology combined with a number of legislative leaks provoke confusion. Apart from the continuous fall backs of the goverment and the various legal cover,reality remains the same.This new reality that tends to be created is related to the sanction of electronic ID's as our control mediums from the central electronic information system. The legislative adventure begins in the summer of 1986 with the election of the law 1599/1986 "for the sanction of new type of ID's".With this law (article 1) a "unified coded record number" is established while in article 3 says that this "number will be formed from 13 digits and symbols" this means from a bar code system. The problem that exists in this remarkable technology is the three limit posts that are in those types of lined barcodes and that correspond to the numbers 6-6-6.They are three limit posts that guide the scanner.The two at the edges are named guard bars and the central one central pattern.Special studies have shown that these three limit posts indeed show the image of 666.And we ask: * Why was there placed a central axis since it could be recognised by two safety bars or with none as it happens in the bar code Interleaved 2 or 5 type that contains 40 numbers but does not need any limit posts ? * Why is it separated from the limit posts in 6 digit levels? * Why in EAN-13 the first digit of the country code(for Hellas 520) is placed outside the symbols? Maybe in order not to destroy the 6 digit levels between the 666 ? * Why so much insistence on the number 666 since there exist technical possibilities for the use of another arithmetic combination? This reminds us the computer manufacturing company Apple that sold the first 299 P.C. AppleI computers at 666.666 dollars (Wall Street Journal 11-11-81). Another confirmation of the deliberate use of this number is the fact that there exist perspectives that this marking will be done with Forehead or Hand techniques in order to solve problems of stealing the card.Mr.Klotsonis -a legal counselor of the European Comitee that is based in Luxemburg-told us that at the primary discussion for the Schengen Agreementit it had been proposed that the citizens would be marked on the hand or the forehead.This proposal had been done and perhaps is reconsidered. But even if the number or the bar code is not visible there exist many possibilities that this number 666 is placed invisibly into a magnetic strip (that exists in many todays cards) or in SMD microchips as these that are being used in phone cards and other smart cards.Something similar has happen in the USA in 1980 when some citizens of USA returned their credit cards because in them existed the number 666 as a prefix.It was said to them that after 1982 it won't exist. Indeed it was disappereared from the one side of the credit card but was placed ,invisibly to the human eye, in the magnetic strip that was on the back side and was readed only by the computer. Conclusion The Schengen treaty with its limitless protectionism that enforces converts Europe into a police state based on the control and suspiciousness characterising and charging citizens and their intentions. * The electronic Schengen Information System (SIS) becomes a powerful center of information processing and provision and enforces a regime of "electronic dictatorship" and hard totalitarianism. * The ability of collection and processing information on a European range,this enormous electronic filing system, nullifies the human factor degrading the citizen into a simple information object,abandoned to the estimations and the will of those who collect them. * The connection of the treaty with the emission of new electronic ID's enhances the danger of a central and universal control.Each citizen will carry evidence about its beliefs and actions and these will be written on the new ID's. * The existence of the number 666 ,number of the "beast" of the Apocalypse,on them proves the connection of this control system with the impeding global dominion of the Antichrist.For those reasons the Orthodox Christians,as free citizens of this country,declare flatly our opposition to the validation from our country of the Schengen treaty and the emission of electronic ID's. We request: * The immediate recall of the validation of the treaty from the Hellenic parliament. * The immediate recall of the law 2472/1997 for the supposed "protection of the citizen from private data processing" * The cancelling of the emission of electronic ID's and especially of those with the number 666. * The preservation of the old ID's. * The correct and full informing of the Hellenic (Greek) people for those topics. * The carrying out of a referendum in order that the Hellenic people itself decide about such a vital subject. We want to make clear that if the goverment despite the intense reactions of the people proceeds to the operation of its decisions it will find us opponents as conscience objectors.We deny flatly taking the new electronic ID's if they contain the number 666 either another that will serve the same illeberal plans of the Schengen treaty. The use of the number 666 in the new electronic ID's constitutes the last step before the mark in the hand or the forehead. Therefore receiving them from Christians means denial of Jesus Christ and accession to the front of Satan and spiritual death. But even with the use of another number except of 666(for example 444,858 etc.) we deny taking them because those ID's enter us in a regime illeberal,inhuman,dictatorial,antidemocratic and totalitarian.They confiscate us to a powerful economic rule and control system and guide us political and spiritual captives to a electronic dictatorship. They disaffect the national,cultural structure by introducing principles and ideas forreign to our long tradition corroding our Hellenic-Christian Orthodox substance and undermining our ecclesiastic counsciousness.