Sex in Dreams and the 4 Horsemen

Answers: for the 4 Horsemen & 666








      Scriptures have left us with a legacy of prophetic analogies to fathom if we intend on really knowing what they say. Forget dogma, and irrational explanations, there has to be correlations we accept we can prove to ourselves. So work backwards to the Source. Prophecies have come from dreams and visions, do you agree? We all dream. The Creator uses largely the same sets of analogies and symbols for everyone, and most of them are cross-cultural.

There are many colorful analogies within prophetic scriptures we should be able to find within our own dreams. After all our God is a Living God and we are all spoken to if we care to listen or pay attention. Many of the symbols and analogies persist. What or who are the horsemen of the Apocalypse? They are four, white, red, black and GREEN (not pale). So how should we relate to them? We all dream so many of us will have seen this imagery in our dreams at some time, that of horses and maybe someone on the horse's back. Most people who work with horses know the time it takes to ensure that partnership works, and the respect and attention that are required and what you get if you don't have a good working relationship or if you abuse them.

Horses equate to a partner, often a sexual partner, so the four horsemen become married men or 'warring' men of the Apocalypse (and Zechariah). Would you consider the last horse in that analogy is green in the sense of being inexperienced, new or young? The other three likely relate in terms of the color skin or hair. They become wives of one person 'the rider'. Why is a reference to warring used? Well few marriages are smooth as silk. Partners can have wars of wills. Most try to work out the differences, while some are unwilling to relinquish much to make the relationship work. They do not all work out as we know. Yet at the same time too many which could work are trashed for selfish reasons or other less than admirable attributes. Plus there is a battle to be fought with a menace from the 'heavens'... star wars of a different sort.

The analogy of a horse being a partner is also in Chinese and horse is half the symbol for mother. It's pronounced similarly, just different in tone. The other half of the character is the symbol for woman. It's not the original Chinese character, it was derived a few hundred years ago from the influences of other societies who's use of the same sound where 'ma' relates to mother.

There is of course another aspect to 'warring' and that is it relates in a conceptual way to the element of time. How? We are entering a time of 'war' with a menace in the space... in effect a real 'star wars' (which is the real reason behind this website). Literally it may not be the same however conceptually I think most people can relate to several aspects which directly compare, the biggest one of course is the 'death star' which is nearing completion and capable of snuffing out a world. Have you seen the rest of the story?. . . . .or the rest of this website?

666 = sex, sex, sex

Who was this beast who is getting a bad rap for his attitude and major focus on sexual matters? It has to be someone you can recognize as having had that focus, or few people would accept the connection. Who in relatively recent history has had such a focus and seduced his audience into a focus he saw of everything relating to sex. Look to someone who has very adversely affected the development and use of dreams... none other than Sigmoid Fraud. An arch demon (who should be damned to hell) who contaminated thousands of minds with his deceitful and fraudulent dream interpretations and atheistic intents. A well-known pseudo scientist who claimed to understand dreams and clearly did not.

He created a so-called science called psychiatry, one based on countless fallacies and his very twisted sexual past. His atheism damaged research into dreams and left true scientific research into them blighted if not discredited. He quotes from scriptures as though he understands them yet clearly does not, nor does his use of the passages he quotes from constitute a rational use of them. Giving him any credit is not possible. Negative attention is still attention.

His minions (like Carl Jung) have done much harm too. All I can suggest is 'be careful, you could swallow a heap of garbage left by that deceitful fraud'. Many believe he did great things but that was immense damage, not great constructive creations. He truly harmed more people than a dozen of the world's top murderers have done as he harmed the creative quests of many millions of people. His followers have (mis)used his words and harmed more people in more ways, sometimes by bearing false witness in courts of law.

As a result huge numbers of people have been tainted in their approach to finding answers within dreams and attitudes surrounding the influence of the Creator (and wholeness) within dreams. His sensational theory undermined the foundations of earlier, more substantial teachings. Those matters were foretold nearly two millennia before he did it and yet who recognized him when he did it? No one stopped him. No public outcry was raised to stop either that rogue or his wild theory. Some people credit him for turning attention towards dreams. Not so, their interest was in sex (at a time when it and discussion of it was repressed). That's how he got his audience and recognition. He used people's interest in sex to promote his theory into credibility. Many didn't agree with his ideas about dreams even then. Compare the attention this website gets as opposed to a racy novel or the traffic a porn site gets.

As a theory, it was a fraud, a beastly lie made enticing by associating dream content with a highly overstated emphasis on sex, and embroidered with few facts and lots of bafflegab. The fraud continued uncorrected infecting countless unknowing people who thought he was onto something good by deposing repressive attitudes regarding sex (replacing them with his bent ones). No repressive attitude or political truth endures indefinitely.

Scientists were not ignoring dreams. They didn't know how to relate to their puzzles, yet some scientists were successfully using them to create or discover 'the secrets of the universe'. Several scientific voices tried to modify the errors created by fraud yet most which followed were infected by that attitude of leaving the Creator out of the equation. Science has pieced together some of the truth around dreams, yet is still much affected by the impairment of godlessness imparted by him to it. Some of that over-reaction by science was a knee-jerk response to the irrational claims, argumentative, belligerent and extreme actions of traditionalists and fundamentalists. Those who followed Jesus didn't know it was the spiritual and constructive use of dreams that he had taught.

Two very revealing verses in Revelation mentioning the 'beast'.

Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Rev 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

Fraud was a big influence. His teachings are widespread. Although he has been largely discounted by most psychologists now the so-called 'authority' of his existing writings carries on like a pernicious disease. An element of amusement to many people (via scriptures) is the word beast Greek:therion is a near homonym or phonetic anagram for the word theory. His words were only a wild theory. For whose who want to look at other implications created by some of the ambiguous uses of the word beast in Revelations. It throws shadows on the Vatican for misleading people from the Way, the way to foresee and being closer to the Creator and a wholesome life.

Ignorance and misinformation destroyed the teachings Jesus left us as to how dreams were to be used, yet Fraud's teaching takes that loss even further. The truth is Jesus' use of dreams and visions show a wholesome way to improve our lives, health and lead us towards our success, and moral or at least safe actions. Jesus used scriptural teachings the people were familiar with to make his points, however the lessons he gave were seen by the builders who came later as a reason for building a religion around the man (and teachings they had largely lost). Those teachings were not at all like Fraud's teaching or others based on Fraud's assinine theories which have taken people away from making that connection to our spiritual nature to his illogical, irrational and unfounded nonsense from his warped mind that avoided any connections to the Creator.

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