3/4 CAD Site

3/4 CAD Site

CAD Tools 
DimTmu Menu 
WALC Files 



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Conservative Design Tools

CAD software with 3D-feature base function is very popular in reserently years. AutoCAD has gone out of date sometimes. But in most design situation, it still is a good design tools.


Efficiency consider

Use 2D software to finish design routine is quite a hard work. If  work efficiency is not better then other designer. We can not compete with other designer in the whole world. In AutoCAD system, we could improve draft and design efficiency by customize menu, loading AutoLISP/VBA files, or loading some 3rd-party applications.


CAD/AutoLISP Books

Digit contents leading new generation to learn everything via eLearning. CAD software product always release new version within 1 or 2 yesrs. We must speed up learning steps to keep up with CAD software. If it is possible, learning new functions of some CAD software by eBooks or via eLearning web site maybe is a good and efficiency learn method.


Resource on the INTERNET

We could find some useful information of CAD world.



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