A Darker Shade of Red

Part 2 by Ms. Calliope

"What do you mean, you’ve gotta go to Arta?" groaned Megara. "I thought we were going to have a nice, quiet day to ourselves!" Hercules fastened his leather belt, and adjusted the buckle. "I’m sorry, Meg, It’s just that there’s a stray Cyclopes on the loose, and somebody’s gotta get rid of it. Just think, if somebody got it angry… it could cause mass destruction!" Meg sighed. She knew that Hercules was right, but she hated when he was away. Last night had been so romantic and wonderful, and now he was leaving her again. "I know, I know, it’s just that… well….!" She leaned over and picked up a stone tablet off the table. Written on it in careful writing, was a gossip column. "Look at this. This article here says, ‘Lucky Megara! Sorry girls, but I’m afraid that she’s the only one who gets to spend 24/7 of her time with her hubby, Hunkules!’" She set the tablet down with a clunk. "And you know what? That’s not true. In fact, I spend probably 2 hours a day with you." Hercules leaned over and gave her a hug. Meg didn’t respond. Her heart ached when she thought of his going as far away as Arta. Herc hugged her tighter, and softly kissed her cheek. "Don’t do that!" yelled Meg. Hercules looked at her, mystified.

"You always kiss me and make me feel guilty! I want to be depressed right now!" He laughed and kissed her again. Meg wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or cry, and returned the kiss. Hercules looked out the window. "Well, Meg, I guess this is it. I should be home by late tonight… I’ll miss you…" "Yah well, be sure to send be a postcard." said Meg. "And remember to behave and use your good manners around that Cyclopes." "He won’t know what hit him!" promised Herc. "See you tonight Meg! I love you!" He walked off, whistling a carefree tune, probably going to get Pegasus. Meg sadly watched his retreating figure. She had a strange, and frightening feeling. It told her in a snide, knowing voice, *Better tell him how much you love him, Megara. It may be your last chance.* "Well, that’s a stupid feeling." said Meg aloud. "You must be going crazy, Megara." She turned to go back into Hercules’ villa. Nothing would happen to him. Nothing at all.


"Now, are you positive you know what to do?" Hades asked, as Ophelia mounted an old mule. "Yes sir! Never clearer." Ophelia answered, bored. "You forget that I’m not Pain or Panic. I can actually keep directions straight." "Thank Zeus for that. Whoops, I didn’t mean that. Anyway, those two demonic morons should already be in Arta. They play a major role in my newest little plan, but I’m counting on you, Ophelia. And please - don’t you disappoint me, like… Megara." Ophelia gave him a pitying glance. "Awwww, poor lil’ Hades-Wades… Is hims missing Missy Meggy- Weggy?" "No, and I’m not likely to either if this plan goes right." Hades sneered. Ophelia made an indignant face. "I still can’t believe you still want her to work for you. Aren’t I good enough?" Hades waved his hand. "To be sure. You’re about all I can handle, but still, babe, I do have other, unfinished pieces of work Megara can help out on." Ophelia raised an eyebrow, better displaying her cat-green eyes. "And you’re positive she’ll go back to working with you? After what Hercules has done? Or will do?" Hades grinned an evil, tooth filled grin, and said simply, "She won’t have much of a choice, will she?"


Pegasus soared above the puffy white clouds, throwing back his teal mane with a joy-filled whinny. Hercules urged him faster, and once more the winged horse shot towards the ground like a bullet. Just before hitting the rocky terrain, Pegasus pulled back up to the sky. "Wow, what a view!" Herc whooped, looking at the lush green forests and glens below. "Wish Meg could see this… She’d be having a ball!" Suddenly, he looked at the ground a little closer… What was those two objects below? He motioned for Peg to sink in the air, and saw once he got closer a young woman and an old mule. The woman was lying on the ground at an odd angle, and the mule’s bridle and saddle were half off, half on, as if they almost had been pulled off. Following Hercules’ commands, Pegasus swooped down and landed on the firm, grassy ground. Momentarily forgetting about the Cyclops, Herc rushed over to see what was wrong. "Miss? Miss? Are you all right?" Herc exclaimed, and knelt down beside the woman. Even though her eyes were closed, Hercules could tell that she was very beautiful. She had dark brownish black hair which fell to her shoulders, and small red lips. She was also seemingly short, and had a bony, angular face and body. It was difficult to tell her age, she had to around sixteen or seventeen. The woman gave a jolt and opened her eyes with a cry. Rubbing her head, she slowly inched away from Hercules, looking at him nervously. "It’s all right, Ma’am. It seems you fell off your horse. Are you OK?" He asked her.

"I-I’m fine. Thank you…" Her eyes narrowed and Hercules noticed they were a glittery greenish gold. *She must be older than seventeen with eyes like those... At least twenty three* he thought. "I must have bumped my head on a rock and blacked out." The girl explained. "You must have. Tell me, where are you headed? I’ll escort you there. You’re in no condition to go alone!" Hercules said. The woman opened her mouth with a pained expression, and then closed it again. It might have been Hercules’ imagination, but it seemed that a sudden look of craftiness flew across her face. Then, it was gone as quickly as it appeared. "I’m going to Arta. My sister is sick. I was traveling there by mule, but as you see, it didn’t quite work out…" She replied carefully. "I’d love to have you join me." "OK. Just get onto Pegasus, and I’ll hold you. We’ll be there in an hour." said Hercules. The woman made no motion to move from her spot on the ground. "What’s the rush, Sonny? I’m too tired to go." Hercules began to have a frantic expression.

"Well, I’m, well, I’m Hercules, and I get rid of monsters and things for a living… There’s a Cyclops loose in Arta, and I’ve got to get there soon, or else… or else I don’t want to know what happens." The woman smiled, although Herc sensed it wasn’t sincere. "Well, we better get going, hadn’t we?" She stood up, grabbed the donkey’s bridle, and began walking west. "Wait…!" Hercules yelled. "Where are you going?!?! I thought you were hurt!!!" She spun around. "I’m hurt, but not dying. I’m going to Arta. I thought you were too?" "I am! I meant for you to fly there with me! We’d save a lot of time!" Hercules objected. "If you think I’m getting on that flea bitten, mangy donkey with wings and leave my mule, you’ve been bitten by an insanity bug." The woman snapped. "But… but… Let’s at least ride there!" Hercules’ mind was spinning. What was wrong with this girl? He was getting confused, and it didn’t help that she kept looking at him with those hypnotic jade eyes. "I’m not riding again. I don’t care what you do. Just don’t expect me to do everything you wish of me. I’m NOT getting on that mule again, and I’m NOT getting on your Pegasus." They stood there, glaring at each other. Hercules was torn. If he stayed with her and walked to Arta, they would arrive in two days at least. If he left this stubborn woman here, in the field, who knows what might happen to her? She was injured as it was, and plus, there were many species of animals that might harm her… *I just can’t leave her* He finally decided. *I’d be turning my back on her. The Cyclops will just have to wait.* "Well, are you coming with me or not?" the girl demanded. "Let’s go." Herc muttered, and began to follow the girl and her mule, a dejected Pegasus following behind.