The Underworld was dark and gloomy that day. But then again, it's dark and gloomy everyday... So...

It was a usual day in the Underworld. The sun wasn't shining and the smell was absolutely appawling. It was wonderful. Hades inhaled the fowl stench and let out a contented sigh as he leaned back in his repulsive throne and tapped his finger on the side of it. Andromeda, his right hand nymph was leaning against the side of it, typing away at a calculator. She lifted her reading glasses to get a closer look at the number she had just typed. She turned to her boss.

"Hades sweety," She began. "We have to cut down on those torture tools you keep ordering from the Kill-A-Lot catalog. That gilotene almost put us in bankruptsy!" Hades just waved his hand.

"Dromey, angel, sweetheart! Gods don't have to pay for our merchandise! It comes with the "all powerful, you make me pay for it and I'll murder ya" package." He winked at her and she rolled her eyes. Tossing her glasses aside she made her calculator disapear and she leaned up closer to the large throne.

The lord of the underworld put his hands behind his head and relaxed. He shook his head at the lovely blue nymph. "You work too hard toots." He said. "But I have to admit. All this overtime you've been pullin' for the past month has really lightened the load so to speak, for me. I've been able to get that vacation time I've always wanted for the past few centuries!" Dromey stretched.

"Yea, well I have to do something! You could die of bordom down here!" She paused. "Wait a minute, that didn't sound right.." She chuckled at the joke she had just made but Hades just raised an eyeridged at set his attention to a set of shaddows walking his way.

"Wish I could say the same for those three." He whispred in her ear as the three demons walked up, playing paper, rock, sissors as they did so. Hades stood up and turned a bit redish in the face. The three demons took a small step back.

"He did it!!!" They said, pointing to whoever was closest to them, knowing they must have done something to make the boss so pissed. Hades massaged his temples in frustration. "You three haven't been pulling your waight around here lately!" He began. Flimsy spoke up.

"I don't know about me or Panic here, but I know for a fact that old chunky boy Pain has been pulling ALOT of weight these past few months!" She chuckled. Pain just crossed his arms. "HEY!" He said. "If they hadn't invented donuts...." Panic laughed out loud and Hades just groaned in agrivation.

"WILL YOU LOUSY WORMS GET OUT OF MY SIGHT AND DO SOMETHING CONTRUCTIVE!" He calmed down slightly. "Like, oh I dunno.. go.. jump off a cliff or somethin..." He waved a hand slowly at them and they ran off rather quickly.

"Do you think he meant that?" Panic asked.

"Yup." Was all he got in reply as the 3 demon fled to the tallest cliff they could find. Andromeda, thinking she was part of his little tantrum started after the demons to take the plunge herself.

"And where do you think You're goin??" He asked as the turned around and gave him a strange look. "Now did I say anything about you goin anywhere? I don't think so." With a wave of smoke he poofed up a cigar and lit it with his index finger. "Besides babe, doll, there are a few other things that need to be taken care of!" He smirked and Dromey made her way back over to his throne.

"Oh really..?" she asked as she laned against his throne and grinned. "Like what?" she moved in a little closer and he snapped his finger, changing her outfit completely. holding a scrub brush in each hand and wearing an apron and jumped up startled.

"The bathroom floors, they're a mess. And since you seem to be on this little work drive I thought it might keep you busy for a bit." dromey's face dropped llike a ton of bricks and mumbling stuff she turned around and started for the bathroom. "Thanks doll! Yer an angel!" He said as he poofed his cigar away.

"No problem!" She said aloud. "You little so and so.....*grumble*"