By Niggy


The Lord of the dead gasped in pain which for the first time in many days wasn't emotional. He was just returning from one of Zeus's cushy parties on mount Olympus when a white blur which he estimated to be going 160 mph, knocked him to the ground. He turned to face his attacker. It was a girl. Hades noted that she was not glamorous looking but she wasn't bad looking either. 'I'm sorry sir', she stammered. She got up, ready to sprint away again, but Hades caught her by the ankle causing her to trip and join him on the ground once more. 'CAN'T YOU READ THE SIGNS ALONG THE ROAD??' fumed Hades. 'THERE ARE SPEED LIMITS!!!' A noise behind him made him turn away from the girl.It was a burly man who was waving a hoe and yelling obsenities.

'Stay out of my corn crop you rat!!' he shouted. He waved the hoe. It glinted in the sunlight. The girl shuddered. The farmer was about to rush for her when he noticed Hades. 'Do you mind?' asked the farmer irritably. 'I need to finish this matter in private.' 'YOU?' asked Hades. 'I'M the one who wants to hurt her! GET LOST!!' He burst into flames. The farmer was so terrified that he drpped his hoe and ran off back the way he came screaming. The girl looked on. Hades turned to her. 'You're next sweetcheeks.' The girls terrified expression turned to one of anger. 'WHAT did you call me?' she snarled. 'Sweetcheeks.' What happened next, Hades never expected to happen. He never would have expected it to happen in a million years. But it did. The girl's fist shot out and smashed into his face. He fell on his back. A cloud of dust rose into the air. Hades sat up quickly. But instead of being angry he felt rather pleased. 'Hmmmmm', he thought. 'Looks like an angel, fights like a centaur.'.....a good combination. She had the makings of a henchwoman.

'Hey,sweetch....uh,girlie what's your name?' 'Who wants to know?' 'Maybe youv'e heard of me. I'm Hades. Lord of the dead.King of the deceased.' 'Modest aren't you?' came the reply, dripping with sarcasm. 'Your name.' said Hades, ignoring her comment. 'It's Niggy.' Hades had to bite his lip to keep from laughing out loud, and that hurt. 'Well,Nig,what was that guy so steamed about. 'Niggy's brown eyes flashed as Hades mentioned the farmer. 'That deadbeat loser!' she retorted. 'He has plenty of corn to go around. I was starving..... so i borrowed a few ears.' Hades smiled inside. She was a theif too. 'Say Niggy,how would a cute babe like you like to work for a god?'