Chapter 6

Hades hugged himself.The night air was suprisingly chilly,even for a god to feel.He walked towards the place where Niggy said she would meet him.WHERE WAS SHE?Which field had she meant?There were hundreds outside Thebes.Finally he caught sight of a white shape in the grass.He ventured closer,making sure it wasn't just a farm animal.No, it was her.She was lying with her back to him,staring at the distant lights of thebes. She looked like the Venus draped.He almost kicked himself for thinking she was a farm animal.If he had said that out loud he surely would have perished.......well,get his jaw knocked off anyway.'Ahem....Nig?' he coughed.She turned to face the god.'Hades!' She seemed happy enough to see him.But her smile quickly faded.She stared at the ground.Hades sat down beside her.'Why?'asked Hades.'Why do you always have to be such a rebel and mess up everybody's lives........that is what i like about you,you know.' She could not face him.'I want to stay with you.' Niggy sighed.'Hades,i know what's best for us,' she said.'If i stay and we live together...i'll become attached to you.' 'So?' 'So one day you'll bring home someone you'll love more than me.I'll be hurt.I'm hurt right now.'

Hades felt like saying 'then what does it matter if you're already hurt?' but he knew that was very selfish...even for him.Niggy shivered.She lay down in the grass.She was both cold and upset.Hades lay down too.He placed his hands behind his head.Niggy began to cough.Hades moved closer.'I AINT A WIMP!' shouted Niggy.'I don't need you to keep me warm!' 'But i need you,'said Hades.Niggy was touched by his words but was reluctant to show it.Okay....she was stubborn.Here was this man pouring his heart out for her and she was being stingy and uncomplementing.'Hades,i....the reason i called you out here is because i want to spend one night with you....But it's freezing!Hold me!' Hades laughed,feeling a little better.He slipped an arm around her waist and Niggy hugged him back,making sure her hair was well out of the way of his.Hades sighed.He and Niggy lay there together looking up at the sky for hours. Hades sighed happily and shut his eyes.When he opened them again it was just before dawn and Niggy was gone.All he heard was the chirping of crickets in the distance.She had outsmarted him again.'Damn!'

Andromeda sighed.She had been sent to look for Niggy along with all of Hades other henchmen.'We've been looking for her for 9 long STUPID weeks!!!!!!'she told Flimsy who accompyning her.They looked up and saw Alpha,another one of Hades henchwoman coming towards them.The female centaur sighed.'I haven't found her,' she said,almost breathless. Andromeda grabbed Flimsy and threw her 10 feet.Even that did not ease her anger.'GOOD GOD,NIGGY!WHY'D YA HAVE TO GO AND LEAVE US!I'M OUT HERE BUSTING MY @$$ FOR HADES CAUSE OF YOU!!'If dromey had been Hades she probably would have exploded like krakatoa.Flimsy shakily got to her feet.'Where could she be?'continued Dromey.We've searched the four corners of the earth!I wish i never met i'm sorry i ever met!It's all that Persephones fault!!!' She was babbling now,even blaming Flimsy.Where was Niggy.

Niggy was far away hiding out on top of a fruit vendor's stall,grinning wickedly to herself. It was kind of fun to leave everyone in misery while she ran off free as a bird.Free food too.She peeled a banana and began to eat it.She did miss Hades but she knew she couldn't go back there.Ever.Many people passed by.Niggy watched them from her hiding place.A fat lady with dark hair,a nymph with long silky red hair.But there were two particular characters that intrested her the most.

One was a tall centaur with light purple skin.She kept hitting her companion,a skinny young man with messy blonde hair with the back of her hand. 'No,no you wuss.' she was saying.'In order to steal you gotta act natural and pretend you ain't doing anything wrong.Watch me.' The centaur pulled out money quickly and easily from a passer-by's pocket.'Now you try.''Okay,Alpha.' The young man hesitated.Then he reached for the nearest pocket.A young girl's.Alpha smacked his hand instantly.'Rule number one.We do not steal from children.This isn't kindergarten!!'

'But never even let me TRY to steal.It isn't fair.'He crossed his arms and pouted.His eyes were barely visible under the mess of dirty hair but Alpha could tell they were full of rage and childish tantrum. By this time niggy was laughing.She loved seeing people fight amoung themselves.Her sadistic nature got the better of her,however when she leaned forward a bit too much and came crashing down off the fruit stall.