Chapter 8

Aura,goddess of the breezes sighed deeply.She looked down at the humans below her from her cloud.There was one human in particular she was intrested in,but he wasn't here today.Instead,she amused herself by watching a short girl with stringy black hair,and a lanky man with equally messy blonde hair. 'You have to lose yourself in the moment',the girl was telling the young man.Her hand slipped into a passing mans pocket.The man turned to face her.Niggy flashed him a grin.'Hi handsome',she said.The man blushed and turned to leave.Kurt and Niggy thumbed their noses at him when his back was turned.'And act natural if someone notices you.'continued Niggy.She dropped the money into his hand. Later that evening the two sat on a grassy hill,tummies full and hopes high.'OOh man.I've never eaten so much,' laughed Kurt.'You're a good theif!' said Niggy.Kurt's face fell.'I never wanted to be a theif',he said,sitting up. 'What did you want to be.' 'A poet,' whispered Kurt shyly. 'Everything i look at or go through seems either beautiful or sad and i want to tell people that through my words without them laughing at me.' The sentance itself seemed so poetic.Niggy was impressed. 'That sounds cool,' she said.'Why didn't you?' Kurt sighed.'Problems.' As usual his eyes were barely visible through his mess of hair,but niggy sensed they were full of pain,which sadly is often how a poet feels.

'What happened?' asked Niggy quietly. 'I sorta got into trouble,with the law.So i sold my soul to Hades so i could escape.' He looked at the ground.'I'm doomed forever.' He lay back again,his cheek pressed against the grass,one eye glinted through his stringy mess of hair.'You're the only friend i've ever had.' Niggy smiled.'And i'll stay your friend.' Kurt yawned.He sighed and shut his eyes.Niggy watched him fall asleep,then selected a spot about 5 feet from him and lay down,watched the stars appear and fell asleep.

The switch immediatly took place.Air pushed it's way back into Kurt's lungs.He sat up groggily and began to vomit.Niggy felt weak and light,and she suddenly realized she had no feet and she was floating towards Hades outstretched arms.She tried to resist but she knew she was dead and would have to be Hades forever.Niggy began to cry.All of the affection she had ever felt for Hades dissapeared and she suddenly realized that SHE must have been infatuated with him too.'Aw,don't cry kid,' said Hades,'Yer makin' me feel guilty.' Kurt finished bringing up his posion.He looked up at Hades and the changed Niggy.'What happened?' he asked softly. 'I'm dead.' said Niggy miserably.Kurt looked shocked.'Huh?How?...What happened?' 'I gave up my freedom for yours.' 'WHAT?' 'SHE GAVE UP HER FREEDOM FOR YOURS!' said Hades.He turned to Niggy.'Can we leave now?' Niggy felt awful.She couldn't even feel her own skin.All sense of touch had dissapeared.She was dead.And would have to get used to it.As Hades led her away she heard her friend's sobs behind her back.She turned to caych a glimpse of the scruffy young man who at that moment,seemed more dead than alive.

> Once she was back in the underworld,Niggy returned to her fleshy form.She could walk,she could feel again.The only thing she couldn't feel was love for Hades.He had tried to murder her best friend.Her friend who was funny and wise and poetic.Who wouldn't hurt a fly if his life depended on it.Who she would probably never see again.At least she would have dromey to talk to.She made a face.Somehow that didn't seem as much fun.Hades sat dowm on his throne.The demons appeared and began to throw veils and streamers on Niggy's head.Niggy panicked.NO! not now!she was much too young! 'I don't want to get married!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaargh!'

***Aura stared at the young man below her.He looked very sad,as if he had done something wrong.He sat by a stream,his head down,looking at his reflection.His messy blonde hair fell all over his eyes and face,by Aura could tell he was crying by the ripples in the water.She sighed.Watching him was making her even more depressed.Where was Hades?He should have been here by now?They had a deal.She sighed again,and continued to watch Kurt.It was a painful scene.She was pretty sure he was muttering cuss words to himself too. Niggy had not eased his burden but increased it.He felt guilty.He'd been to jail yaet felt that THIS was the worst crime he could have commited.He HAD to help her.But he didn't know how.

He was no match for the god of death.He sighed.He wished he had the power to breath life into people.'What do i know?' he said quietly to himself.'I'm just a messed up mortal.' Aura was so engrossed in Kurt's one man conversation that she barely noticed Hades standing behind her.'So,' said Hades making her jump.'Is THAT the guy you were talking about?' Aura blushed.'No,'s someone else.His name is Mandel.' 'Good.' said Hades.'THAT,' he said, pointing down to Kurt,'Is very poor taste.'Hades produced a bottle.'Here it is.' he said.Aura took a deep breath.She was about to become mortal.'Hurry up!' yelped Hades,clearly annoyed.'I'm getting married tomorrow and i want to be ready.'

Aura tipped back her head and drank the potion.She and Hades floated down towards earth.Once this was done he left her on the ground.'Bye tuts!' called Hades.'She ya!!' Aura walked towards Thebes. Daphne sighed.She wondered if Hades had picked up Kurt yet.What a boring job that had been.She wished Hades would stop fussing over Kurt.She knew what an emotional mess he was.She stopped.A soft sound caught her attention.It sounded like someone crying.Curious,she decided to investigate.She pushed back some bushes and was suprised to see Kurt staring at his reflection in the water.Why wasn't he asleep?Why wasn't he in the underworld?She had seen him fall asleep,hadn't she? She walked up to Kurt.'Um....hi.' Mistake.