By Andromeda

Thebes was quieter than usual. No one was walking down the streets, holding hands of children who never seemed to shut up. No commotion anywhere. It might have been because it was the middle of the night, but even then, there was at least a few people wandering around.

Hades seemed to take advantage of the emptiness of the city and appeared out of nowhere, and sat on a white bench next to a temple, used for worshipping Zeus. He just looked in the temples direction and groaned in agrivation. It had been almost a week since his plans were ruined and he hadn't seen Hercules at all since then. But he heard of him. It seemed that everywhere someone had something to say about the kid and how he saved the city from the vengeful titans. It was enough to make a guy sick to his stomach, Hades thought. He ran his long slender fingers through the blue flame on top his head and sighed slightly. It felt good to get out of that dreary Underworld, if even for a moment. Having no one to talk to, Hades just desided to have a bit of a talk with himself.

"Just look at yourself, Hades!" He began. "You're pathetic! Letting a kid, A KID! Ruin your plans that you planned so perfectly!! Then having your little NutMeg trot off with him!? What kind of a god are you! You can do better then that!!" He stood up. "Wait a minute!" He said suddenly. "I'm a god! Things are never my fault! It was uh," He paused for a minute. "It was those two dunderheads fault! Pain and Panic! Yea! That's right Hades! If they would have killed Hercules when they were suppose to, none of this never would have happened!! YEA! It's all their fault!" It made him feel a bit better to be able to blame it on the two little demons on it and a huge tooth filled grin spread across his face. He felt better.

"Well Hades! It's time to start a new! I mean, who cares if your relationship with your brother is down the toilet and your number one henchman has taken sides with your worst enemy eh! You still got your health right!?" Hades felt a twinge of pain in his head and clutched it as a migrane just seemed to pop out of nowhere. "Well, nevermind about that...." He said. "But enough with the talking to myself crap!" He looked around and in a poof of smoke, a pencil and paper appeared in his hand and he put on a set of reading glasses which made him look pretty sofisticated. He tapped the pencil on his long chin and thought for a second. "First item on the agenda...Hurt Pain and Panic alot, then, find NutMeg replacement." He wrote the last part slowly and thought for another minute and the paper and pencil disapeared in a poof of smoke.

"Well I guess I should start out by finding myself a replacement for Meg. That'll be like finding a needle in a hay stack." He walked down the street, looking in every direction as he did so, but not a single person could be found.He looked up and groaned in total agrivation. "What is this!?! There must be a ton of people in this city and not one of them is out! What do I have to do, barge into someone's house!?" He shrugged. "Well, drastic times.." He said as he "floated" over to the front door of a whitish almost completely marble home. But before he could open the door, he heard a rustling coming from behind him. He quickly turned around but didn't see anyone. He shrugged but before he could turn back around something pounced on him and pinned him to the ground. "What the..!" He said as he shook his head in confusion.

The person had pounced on him from the back and it was dark, so he had no idea what was going on or who his attacker was. All he heard was a voice.

"Isn't it a little late to be sneaking into someones home, or to be more presise, MY HOME!" The person growled. The look on Hades face was of total annoyance.

"This is just not my night." He said as he frowned and his eyebrows lowered. His attacker gasped as the once blue body turned bright fire red and seemed to turn almost totally into flames, throwing his attacker right off him. Hades roared in anger as he jumped to his feet and turned quickly to face the attacker. He raised a huge red fist, getting ready to slam it down on the person when he noticed it was a woman. A woman with an extremely terrified look on her face I might add. When he saw her, he paused and returned to his origonal color and an evil grin spread across his face.

The terrified woman covered her face with an arm, thinking that the god was gonna throw her into the wall she was next to but all he did was held out his large hand. "Oh, did I hurt you cupcake? I am terribly sorry." He said with a grin as the girl took his hand and stood up. She dusted her now filthy dress off and looked at Hades. He still had his salesman like grin on and it took her a second to realise who he was. When she did, all she could do was slap herself.

"My god! I jumped the Lord of the Dead!" She said and she plopped down on the bench. She raised a hand. "Please don't do your "punish by hurting alot" thing on me please! I didn't know it was you! I swear!" She pulled out a pair of glasses and put them on herself. "You uh.. wouldn't hit a girl with glasses now would ya?" She said, trying to come up with some excuse. Hades just chuckled slightly and raised a hand. She didn't seem as terrified as he thought she might be. She was makin' gags and remarks like he usually would. He just raised a hand and leaned on a puff of bluish white smoke that appeared beside him.

"Cupcake! Bubby! Babe! Mind if I call you babe?" He asked as she raised an eyebrow. "All is forgiven sweetcheeks! Mistakes happen!" The girl looked slightly calmer but she was still a bit suspicious. And that mischiefious grin on his face didn't help much either. She crossed her arms and looked up at the tall god.

"I don't mean to sounds disrespectful to you in any way, oh mighty Hades," She said in such a way that made Hades know for a fact that she was being extremely sarcastic which made the smirk on his face even harder to keep. "But isn't it your nature to punish and even torture the inocent or make unfair deals with them?" She said as Hades grin began to fade. The woman smirked andf leaned against the god. " That is what I love about ya, you know." She finished and Hades grin returned.

"Ahh, a fellow buisnessman, or should I say, buisnesswoman, I see. That's terrific." He said as he slipped a sneaky hand on her shoulder. "This should make the deal I'm gonna make with you much more simpler." The female took his hand and pushed it off her shoulder. "Deal?" She stated. "Listen handsome, I don't do the deal thing. No matter who makes it. Not even you so if you'll excuse me..." She began to walk off, forcing Hades to disapear then reappear right infront of her, now smoking a cigar. He lit it with a flame from the tip of his first finger then chuckled slightly. "Hmm.... You don't seem to understand cupcake," He began as smoke escaped from his mouth. "What's your name anyways?" The girl looked up and sighed in agrivation.

"Andromeda." She said as Hades grinned again. "Andromeda, mind if I call you Dromey?" Before she could answer, he did for her. "Great! Dromey it is!" He began chattering again. "Now ya see, Dromey, babe, when you do something to upset me, like for instance, oh whats a good example here, like pouncing on me and stuff, I gotta do something about it.... It goes with my line of work ya see....." She tried to interrupt but he butted in again. "Now now, I can see your a tough cookie and aren't really afraid of yours truly," He blew out another puff of smoke only this time in the shape of a skull with cross bones which made Andromeda shiver a bit. "And I respect that you see. So I'm gonna offer you this great deal. A job best suited for someone of your stature." Dromey crossed her arms. "Listen, Smokey." She said. "I told you I don't make no deals with no body and I'm not afraid of you so back off!" She glanced down at her nails. "I like my freedom thank you." Hades just looked in the other direction with a look of both annoyance and confusion and he ran his fingers though hs "hair" once more. "What don't you understand here missy!" He said. "What I want, I take! And I need a replacement and you're it!! Copeesh?!?!" He tried to reamin calm but she pushed him too far. Dromey thought for a bit then smiled.

"No." She said and she whirled around in a circle of blue smoke, then reappeared again, only this time, completely blue with pointed ears and her legs disapearing in a gust of blue myst. Hades jaws dropped. "Oh damn." He said as he shook his head. "I just like spent all this time just to find out she's a god! MAN!!" He said as he kicked a rock. "Half god to be presise." She said. Hades paused and grinned again. "Ahh... I see know. That'll help a bunch with our deal!" Dromey rolled her eyes as Hades continued. "Oh? Did I forget to mention that? For your loyalty and services, I'm willing to make you a full fledged god! With all the rights and privaledges thereof, yada yada yada..." Dromey thought for a sec. "But you wouldn't own me right?" Hades looked up a bit and tried not to chuckle. "Of coarse not!" He said as he held out his hand. "Now come on cupcake! We got a deal?" Dromey looked down at his hand and shook her head. "Sorry, no deal." Hades butted in again. "I'll throw in a Dental Plan." "Deal!" Dromey said without hesitation and they shook hands.