

June 18 - Well, the Hades Webring is up and running fine now!:D ALSO A NEW GALLERY UP! LEUCES ART! YEA! I'm hoping to get more stuff up in Tartarus soon! Come on folks! SEND!:D New pics in the gallery by the end of this week! PROMICE! Also go to James Woods page to get info on his newest movie!

June 6 - New pics up! New SOUL members! Updade Tartarus soon!


March 22 - Tartarus is updated! More on Dromeys stopy Part 2 and newly added part 3! NEW SOULS TOO!

March 7 - More stuff in alot of places! Mainly in the art gallery! Check out the updated signs on the different sections of the underworld!

Coming soon! LOTS more pics and stuff in Tartarus;) And sign my guestbook again ppl!;)

February 21- New stuff in the Fan art gallery!:D Also a new how to draw Hades page up and the witches page up!

October 23 - Sorry for the delay but I haven't had much to updatre with;) New pics are in the gallery thanks to me pal PERSEPHONE!!

September 24 - Updated Tartarus, the art gallery, and put up movie files.

September 20 - New Page up It's a summary of the movie;) Bigg woopie woop;)


September 6 - NEW PIC! IT'S DAPHNE!

September 4 - More on the James Woods page and a few new pics in the gallery!

September 1 - New Pics in the Art Gallery! HURRAY!! NEW MEMEBER TO SOUL!

August 30 - FINALLY!!! Art Gallery put up! Ain't you guys proud of me?!?! MORE SOUL MEMEERS! MORE ON TARTARUS TOO!!!;D

August 13 - More on Niggy's Story and art gallery put up! SURPRISE! More memebers to S.O.U.L.

August 10 - Finally! Got time to finish my Elysium page! GO THERE!! ;)

August 9 - Part two to "A Deeper Shade of Red" and also "Replacement" added with pic attached also Niggy's Story added as well.

August 5 - Two new members of S.O.U.L. and Tartarus updated!!

August 4 - Page finally finished except for Fates page and Herc's page.. >:)

That's all for now....

Back to the Underworld.....