Kalen's Page of Buffoonery

Hola fellow Internet surfer and welcome to my world. It's good to see that you are so bored that you went to some random site on the internet and found my page. Feel free to stick around long enough to get to know just a little bit more about me and my life, but beware, it's a twisted and disturbing tale that I tell.

My Background

Sheesh, where do I start? I am a native of San Francisco, California. I have lived in SF (that's actually *in* the city, and not some po-dunk suburb of SF) most of my life--except for my 5 years of college down in San Diego (yup, that's 5 years--I had too much fun to cram it all into 4 years). I am the product of an Russian mother who was born in China during WWII and a typical American father (born in L.A.). I owe them pretty much everything--seeing as how they allowed and encouraged almost all of my life experiences during my formadible years. So, blame them when you shake your head in disbelief of my wackiness. In terms of heritage, I am half Russian, a quarter Swedish, an eighth Irish, a sixteenth Scottish, a sixteenth English, half Jewish, half protestant, and all BUFFOON. However, I mostly identify with my Swedish, Jewish, and buffoon sides ;-). Oh, and I also have a red face (don't ask).

And, before we go any further, just in case, here's my resume. I'm looking for something in the environmental field--with a preference for environmental consulting and/or planning.

I was fortunate enough to be the co-author of a book chapter. The title of the book is Nature's Services it is edited by Gretchen Daily and is published by Island Press. The book is one of the first efforts by scientists to provide and overview of the many benefits and services that nature offers to people and the extent to which we are all vitally dependent on those services. The book enhances our understanding of the value of the natural systems that surround us and can play an essential role in encouraging greater efforts to protect the earth's basic life-support systems before it is too late. My particular chapter focuses on the co-evolution of climate and life. My contributions were on exteme events of the hydrologic cycle (i.e. floods, droughts, hurricanes,etc.). For more info on the book, take a look at the publisher's homepage.

My Interests

My interests are about as broad and diversified as I think they can possible be. I'm sort of a "Jack of all trades--master of none" type person. As a kid, my parents considered it a swear word if I mentioned that I was bored. They believed--and still do--that a person is only bored if they allowed themselves to be. As a result, you could toss me into a white room with no windows and a ball of string, and I'll be happy for weeks. Maybe I do belong in a nuthouse. Well, I guess that the best - and fastest - way to really get to know me is by discovering what I like. So here goes . . .

Sports and Recreation

Baseball (Giants&BoSox)
O.T.L. (Over The Line)

Organizations and Institutions

Beta Theta Pi
UC San Diego
Order of Omega
International Order of DeMolay

Food and Drink

Favorite Foods
Beer (Anchor Steam)
Mixed Drinks

The Arts/The Mind


People and Places

San Francisco
Woodside, CA
New Orleans
The U.S.
Europe/European Life

The Natural World

The Ocean/Water
The Environment



Miscellaneous/General Interest

The Occult
King Arthur/Arthurian Legends

Jokes and Humorous Stories



Kalen's Kurant Random Thoughts

Enter at your own risk!!!! It's sort of a digital diary of what's going on in my life and what I'm currently thinking about (as scary at that may be).

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you weren't too traumatized by lil ol' me and that only a few visits to therapy will take care of things. Til later, peace out.

You are unfortunate soul number to waste your time looking at my page since I reset this counter on 5/14/98.

Send me e-mail/feedback about what you think of this page and/or my life

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I last had four seconds to update this page and add things to it on July 2, 1998. I even have words to go along with the pictures now. What a concept!