Home Page: http://geocities.datacellar.net/n_zabegailo/
Office hours (les heures du bureau):
Tuesday (mardi): 10:OOAM - 11:OO AM
Thursday (jeudi): 10:OOAM- 11:OOAM
The course is designed for beginning level students, with no or little previous knowledge of French. The students who have had some French in high school will have a small advantage (which they will have to share with the rest of the class) but only in the very beginning. My experience shows that the beginners often work harder in order to keep up with the class and soon enough, do better in class than the students relying on the previous knowledge (and not working enough). My strong advice (and also a requirement!) for all of you is to study consistently, keep with the pace of the class, not to rest too long on laurels if you receive them. Keep in mind that your good performance is important not only for your self-satisfaction, but for good results of the class as a whole. Indeed, you'll have to work, most of the time, in pairs or in small groups. Each of you may contribute to the success of the learning by active participation and good preparation.
The textbook "Premiers échanges" is accompanied by the
"Cahier d'activités orales et écrites" and the Student tape.
You will need all of them for our classroom and home activities. I recommend
that the students purchase a bilingual French-English, English-French
I expect every student to participate actively in class-room activities
and to speak French most of the time. You must come to class prepared -
not only having done all your homework assignements, but also ready to
communicate in French with your classmates and to be creative and
enthusiastic about learning. Besides four hours of weekly classwork,
you'll have to spend at least four to five hours weekly doing your
homework. You are also required to speak about one hour per week
in your Lab or Office (with your Secretary, for example). I'll evaluate your progress based on
participation in classroom activities
, performance in the written assignements
(activities in the Cahier, compositions, tests), and performance
on oral and final exams. Each of the above components represents
one third in your final grade. During the semester we'll have five 50 minute
tests, one oral exam, and one three-hour final. Your Success in a new Company may depend on that! (JOKE).