You can see some old pictures (russian and foreign) related to Pushkin's stories, poems and historical writings. They are reproduced from 1911 edition of Pushkin Complete Works in the "Biblioteka Velikich Pisatelej" (The Library of Great Writers).
"Vystrel" Silhouet1 by Gelmersen (from 1911 edition of Aleksander PUSHKIN)
"Vystrel" Silhouet2 by Gelmersen (from 1911 edition of Aleksander PUSHKIN)
"Vystrel" Silhouet3 by Gelmersen (from 1911 edition of Aleksander PUSHKIN)
"Vystrel" Silhouet4 by Gelmersen (from 1911 edition of Aleksander PUSHKIN)
Title Page of the 1911 edition of Aleksander PUSHKIN