M.O.S. promotes and publicizes activities and events of interest to those in Dallas/Fort Worth and North Texas who desire to increase their knowledge of the philosophy of Objectivism. Such activities have, over the years, included videotaped presentations of lectures by leading Objectivist scholars, discussion groups, field trips to area cultural events and social activities. M.O.S. also works for the establishment of an Objectivist presence on local college campuses.

The Metroplex Objectivist Society holds monthly meetings at an area restaurant.  For information about the time, location and topic of future meetings or to be placed on the M.O.S mailing list, please send an email to

Websites of Interest

The Ayn Rand Institute

Second Renaissance Books A book store featuring the most complete selection of Ayn Rand's writings and lectures available.

The Andrew Lewis Show A weekly talk show from an Objectivist perspective.  While the program is not currently aired on any local stations, North Texas residents are able to listen to it live over the Internet.

The Intellectual Activist   A monthly magazine that examines current cultural and political events from an uncompromising pro-reason, pro-individualist perspective.

Capitalism Magazine

The Houston Objectivism Society

OSG - Objectivism Study Group  An email discussion list for serious students of Objectivism. OSG does charge an annual subscription - but the 30 day trial period is free.  Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions contract before signing up.

Music With An Ayn Rand Connection

Ayn Rand's Motion Pictures

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