
HolyMac Software


What is BibleViewer?

A popular program for the Macintosh for reading, searching, and browsing the Holy Bible. 
It is fast, small, simple, smart, flexible: 
  • fast, so that you can search the contents 
  • small, so that you don't waste memory
  • simple, so that you can use it easily
  • smart, so that you can bookmark particular passages
  • flexible, so that you can change its appearance

Current Release

Version 2.01

Download BibleViewer Now

BibleViewer is in many of the Macintosh software archives on the Internet. 
To download it simply click here. If that doesn't work you might try this alternative method.


To support the development of BibleViewer you can register with a credit card over the Web. Your support is appreciated!


If interested, you can read more about the translation version here.

Other versions

Some prefer a King James version of BibleViewer also available.
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