Welcome to my Web of Thoughts
Updated July 2001

Here is my email-address: liber@hotmail.com

Hi, my name is Christopher Gohl ("Loffer"), I am a German student of Political Science, Jewish Studies and American Studies, and I welcome you to my incomplete web of thoughts. It's an ongoing experiment (since 1997) of me trying to trace my thoughts down and interlink them. Can't promise the thoughts are all intelligent - but I did my best. That's how I look like when working on my computer:

(click on pic to see more)

I apologize in advance for the messiness of this page. Well, content counts, and I'm afraid to say most is from or about me. All the texts are. If you like stuff, let me know. If you don't - nice to miss you.
There are several themes for my homepage:

- My Academic Work
Papers From Political Science, American Studies, Jewish Studies, History, and Woman Studies (LINK doesn't work yet)
(some of the work is also linked below)

- Literature
- Three sets of pages discuss American Literature.

| Skrik image

- Political Theory
Several sets of pages are concerned with problems of a compassionate Liberalism in the age of post-modernity.

- Religion: Being Jewish as a postmodern German
The third theme of my pages is devoted to the questions of religion and Jewish identity - a matter that is close to home for me.

Bild von M.Buber

Abraham Joshua Heschel

- Essays and Articles
Being a good citizen of the world, I try to alert other people and love to write articles for various publications. Some of them are uploaded here.

Other Links to go and see

There are a couple more pages uploaded, but they can be found as links from some of the pages above.

Here are some buzzwords for search engines: Loffer Christopher Gohl AFS North High School class of 92 Phoenix Georgetown University Civic Society postmodern Jewish thought Germany US Bundestag Buergerturm Bürgerturm Berlin Potsdam