The Casebook of Jack Wilder

The Case of ???
Not yet begun.
As cases go this seems a bit odd to me. It's a prequel of sorts. It takes place before the main story and is told from the main story's time. But why not. Really, why not? Jack Wilder, a capable private dick is called in on a case that goes from tricky to down right dangerous. I'll expand and update this synposis as I can.

The Case of the Stone Hand
Not yet begun.
A simple case of robbery becomes far more when the victim is found dead, and everyone is more interested in finding the thief, then finding the murderer.

Adventures in Antiquity

Bushmen's Trek
October 24, 1999
The beginning of a new adventure. It is 1930 and Australia is relatively quiet continent. That is to a casual observer, but in actuality it is as active as any land. To some the activity comes from the past forgotten to some, to others it is a matter of the present and rather material matters. These two preceptions are about to collide...collide quite literally.

*- Updates from October 24, 1999 back.