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The Revised Personal Writing's


John Salazar

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Hello and welcome. This is a page I've set up to hold my attempts at literary exposition. To put it plainly, try to write. It's not perfect or necessarily pretty. But I have to admit it's quickly become a passion. It's been awhile since I've had one of those. So, please, be kind. ;) This page is actually my revised page. My first page became a little crowded and undirected. This one should end up the same, but I'll try to make it work. :)

First, it's primarily science fiction. I know, some don't love or respect that, but it's one of the best genres to create views of life. Look at Swift and Gulliver's Travels. He tore apart the pomp and aristocratic ways of Europe without actually having to to own up to it or take the risks other political writers faced. That's just one of the many values of the genre. But to be honest, I just love it. I'm a scifi nut. That's what drawn's me here. But the final step, the one that got me on a word processor, was the world of RPG's, role-playing games. (If you're curious about them, try here.) As a player and a gamemaster, I've always felt limited. Let's face it, compromise and groups are great in a lot of ways, but it can spoil things as well. The silent actions and subtle nuances of the solitary mind can and are often quite beautiful, and that is where the finest works are born. Da Vinci didn't sculpt or paint in consensus, as far as I know. I'm no Da Vinci, but still, this study of mine is a solo endeavor. It's a lone mad quest which will (sigh) never end. (And as I've seen and done, it can go off course.) So I've taken my interpretations, my angles, my variations, my perspectives, and my ideas, and dropped them here. Here I can expand on my ideas, and also go off on to competely new areas and new stories. Slowly, the puzzle is becoming a picture.

So, here I am, and so are you. I hope you'll give my work a look and find it as fun to explore as I find it to create.

Thank you for coming.

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First, in case you haven't seen it, this is not my main page, but my literary page. If you're interested, curious, or just trying to madly flee this place, feel free to try and explore my interests and links on my main index page.


Or, you can delve right into one of my specific pages, if you have some particular interest or need.

Science Fiction

Original Literary Page

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Current Project:Bushmen's Trek
Update Date:October 24, 1999

The year is 1925, the place California. Join me now as we enter a world of two truths. It is a world nearly ten years from the most horrific time people will ever remember. Times were rough then though with trouble boys, scheming national forces, greedy punks, men who deem themselves above the law, and the unknown. This is of little matter to many Americans, focused on embracing the new peace, the victory, the new power, and a high level of optimism. Many protagonist of the day find themselves quickly overwhelmed and crushed by the seamy underbelly. The time included a variety of literary concepts, including pulp, noir, and the nightmare worlds of Lovecraft. Using some of their various precepts, and some others I hope to delve into the time, it's mystery, adventures, and troubles. So click in and see what lies ahead in The Age of Mysteries.


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Current Project:Another's Quest.
Update Date:April 2, 2000

This begins the second of my series revolving around ideas and elements that move away from my old favorites. As you can see below, I have already begun more then a few literary efforts. But I was sitting at home and with a simple rhetorical question, found myself pondering out a few new ideas. I dismised them though, not wanting to get off the track of all the other storylines happening. Still that weekend, while taking a long trip, more of the elements of the story started surging around and out of my mind. So, I started writing them down. What lies ahead is a mythic type adventure and endeavor. Not for me, of course, (though maybe in my own mind) but for the characters to come. Hopefully I can be fresh, and lay out a few surprises and twists in this mercurial and magical world. So click in and see what lies ahead in The Kalanir Chronicle.


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Current Project:Observations from the Chorus
Update Date:June 28, 2000

I really not sure what to say about this series. Of all the stories here, it's the first to not rely on history or background from another source. The story itself revolved around two questioning souls. I'm not trying to be metaphoric here or anything, but these two people in meeting and travelling down a mutual path are given an opportunity to examine their lives and better understand what is meant by the word, humanity. I really will need to consider changing the name though. It really seems pretentious to me when ever I read it. The key thing to remember is that it's a fun story, with hopefully all the perks included. So click in and take an interesting trip on the Quest for Humanity.


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Current Project:Fate or Free Will
Update Date:October 25, 1999

Reality. Truth. Power. What are they? Where do they reside? What if the answer to those questions depended on your perspective and slant alone? What do you do in world where their are no limitations or barriers, beyond those you set? Will you become enlightened, or decadent? Would power be shared and people be brought out of squalor, or would the truth be bottled and hidden? Why share, when you can control and coerce? The world in this story is a troubled one. As it stands, the world is held in place by technology. You might think this isn't so bad, technology gives us a lot to be thankful for. But is the price worth it? Maybe. But even if you feel that, can it done better? Is their a viable alternative? Can people possiblly find utopia, or even just peace, in a reality of so many possibilities. Click in and take a ride through the Reality Altering Stories and see where humanity finds itself.


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Current Project:Coming Soon
Update Date:-

I didn't think I'd ever want to or dare to, but here comes an idea straight from...graphic novels, really. The world is the world, but what is it when man can fly, leap building, outrun bullets, and you know the rest. This should hopefully be relatively nonserious setting of adventure, with a touch of drama and irreverence. Overall lets see if I can have some fun in this glitzy and wild world. So Click in and see what lies ahead for truth, justice, and the good guys in So You Want To Be A Hero?.


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Here are my first three story series. For now what I'll have of these will be limited. I'll be adding parts back on and updating and putting in new and different parts as they saeem to fit and bear fruit. Hopefully this time around they'll come out more evenly and more focused.

Tales from a Star Trek-esque Place


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Tales of the Alliance


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Of course, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me.


Science Fiction
Personal Writing

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