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Updated – December 1, 1998


Chapter 1 - Part B

Mess Hall One was, as always, quiet at this time in Gamma Shift. Lieutenant Commander T’rana knew this and preferred to spend some time here and contemplate the upcoming day. She sat at a corner table, far from the door. Sitting with a data pad and a hot cup of S’pos tea she reviewed the necessary upgrades and inspections for the next day. Meticulously, she categorized and evaluated each, attempting to maximize her work and that of her subordinates in Engineering. She observed it was the very model of Vulcan thinking.

Just then the doors opened. Looking up from her work she watched as the Security Chief and the Chief Medical Officer, (Marine) Captain Skye and Doctor Stewart, walked in and headed towards the food dispenser. The two appeared to be quietly discussing something as they grabbed two mugs, logically coffee, from the food dispenser. Turning around, they noticed and, unsurprisingly, headed towards her. This had been a burden for her when she first came aboard as Chief of Engineering. She now had grown to accept that it was a necessity for some species to congregate with others. This was especially so for command officers on a starship, who tend to end up a little distanced from their subordinates.

The two men reached her table.

Doctor Stewart gave her a smile. “Do you mind if we join you T’rana?”

Impassively, she replied, “If you wish.”

She returned to her pad and continued her work. The Doctor and the Security Chief sat quietly and returned to their conversation.

The silver maned Native American security chief reinitiated it, asking, “So the Captain seems a little off his game to you to?”

Doctor nodded. “Yes. I imagine it’s stress. He’s seemed somewhat troubled since we got those orders to head towards the Klingon Neutral Zone. I would have talked to him. But I’ve been up to my head in a backlog of reports, and he hasn't been overly communicative.”

“Well, that fourth pip weighs far more then you can ever imagine.”

Somewhat half-hearted the doctor replied, “Hmm?”

The two men were suddenly caught off guard by T’rana. “I do believe the conclusion that both of you have come to is quite accurate.”

Skye and Stewart suddenly turned and looked over to T’rana. For once, T’rana approached a conversation without it being about the ship. Stewart realized it was practically an outburst, as T’rana acts.

Not missing a chance to draw T’rana out, Doctor Stewart inquired, “Really? How so?”

She explained, “In the past few days the Captain has come to Engineering to inquire about the current upgrades to the dilythium chamber. He has seemed somewhat irritated, for a human. The trips to Engineering have totaled five times so far. Two trips would have been more then adequate for his needs.”

“Irritated, for a human,” Stewart replied, punching the last three words. Then he smiled saying, “I’m almost afraid to know what you think I am, for a human.”

To that she raised her right eyebrow.

She was about to respond when Skye interrupted. “Andrew you were asking me a question before?”

Letting T’rana go for the moment, he turned back to Skye saying, “Oh. Oh yes.” His grin widening and he continued, “You were starting to go into the burdens of command and I was hoping to draw you into one of your wonderful monologues.”

With that Skye sat back and crossed his arms.

It was now T’rana’s turn to step in. “Doctor. Do you disagree with Captain Skye’s impression of command?”

Stewart sat back and furled his brow. “No, I try not to dispute Skye’s experience and insight.” He looked over to Skye and apologetically said, “I’m sorry I was being a little antagonistic. I apologize to both of you.” Then, he, his grin returning, looked back to T’rana saying, “I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, T’rana.”

T’rana began, “Doctor, I have no…”

Skye interrupted to say, “Commander, you don’t have to remind him, he knows. You just have to learn, like I have, to ignore about ninety percent of what he says.”

Impassively, T’rana nodded in agreement, saying, “Perhaps.”

With both hands, Stewart clasped his chest, saying, “No. The two of you have turned against me.”

The two men leaned forward and laughed for a moment while T’rana sat quietly.

Stewart inquired, “I’m sort of hoping that was humor on your part.”

T’rana looked down and spoke, “Yes."

Pausing for a second, Stewart said, "Really?"

She responded, saying, "You have been telling me for an approximately two years now that I lack a sense of humor, this is obvious. Still, I have come to the conclusion that at least an understanding of humor, or possibly trying to exhibit it, in some form, would improve my socialization with non-Vulcans. I could also hope to comprehend the more perplexing member of your own species, Doctor Stewart.”

Stewart just smirked at the possible jab to his ego.

Skye picked his coffee up and contemplated this saying, “Hmm. Vulcans and humor, that sounds potentially dangerous.”

T’rana sat back and thought for a moment. “You may be correct.” She looked to the doctor and said, “You seem to feel you are a master of humor. Perhaps you can assist me.”

Stewart sat back much like T’rana. He looked silently at her for a minute. He stayed silent for that moment, putting down his shock and excitement over the invitation and with a serious voice said, “All right. I would be honored to help you. Anytime you want you want to discuss it, I’ll clear some time.”

“Thank you.”

Skye stood up now. “Well, this is where I exit. This is getting a little too weird for my taste. I’ll see you two later. Oh and Andrew, your still an ass.”

With that he lightly slapped Stewart on the shoulder and left.

Stewart turned to T’rana and leaned forward. “So, I’ll have to show you some old recordings I have on humor.” Putting his whimsy aside for a moment he inquired, “First though, you’ve seemed a little different the past few weeks. Is anything else going on? I mean, no one is talking about what happen on Vulcan when you and the Captain went. That's when things really changed. I have a feeling that something major must have come of your homecoming. Any revelations or stories to share?”

In response, she raised her eyebrow, made eye contact and sat quietly.

“All right then, I’ll withdraw the question. But do me a favor. Call me Andrew. Not all the time, but if we’re just sitting and talking, like this, I’d appreciate it.”

Impassively, T’rana said, “Very well, Andrew. Anything else?”

“Nope, that’s all I want in life. I better go now though, or I could screw all of this up.”

With that he stood up and T’rana nodded to him and returned to her datapad. He walked to the door, with a small spring in his step.


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