Before you begin any extra credit project, please read these suggestions and then stop by and see Mr. Emigh prior to the start of your project.  Please be prepared to offer a brief summary of your project.   Requests and summaries can also be sent to:
    Extra credit points are limited and are always due two weeks prior to the end of the nine week term.

    Imagine that you are the teacher.   Prepare a word processed completion test of the "BEACH MOUSE" site.   Make sure that your questions cover the entire site.   Do not include more than one "FAQ."   The test should consist of ten to fifteen questions.   Please type questions and answers on separate pages.   Example:   The scientific name of the Beach Mouse is                             .

     This site is designed for the student that wants a real challenge.   It may also be assigned as a project to a student that has already finished several extra credit exercises.   Students choosing this site should first have a collaborative project in mind.   Collaborative is defined here as "work which is shared by at least two different school systems, via the internet, which produces a single outcome."    Once the project has been selected, the guidelines outlined in the project should be followed.   An outline of the project or the actual project can be done for credit.

      Students that select this site are encouraged to work in groups of three or more and begin their work early in the term.   Each group must register for the project and submit a well researched response to receive extra credit.   A copy of your E-mail will be needed as proof of your work.

      This site displays and documents an important ecological concept known as succession.   To receive bonus points students must define succession and list the differences that occur in the sampled plots as the age of the sampled plot increases.   The project should be presented in chart form for full credit.   Students may also receive a few points for "visiting" the "Fantastic Forest" and identifying all of the animals found at that site.   Print the certificate that you earn as proof of your accomplishment and submit it for points.

      Students should follow the directions given at the beginning of this project.   It is important that students keep accurate records of their daily water use for one week prior to submitting any results to this site.   All data should be recorded on a separate chart kept by the student.   When the data is submitted, a final summary of the student's water use will be provided by the web site.   This summary chart should be copied and submitted as proof of your work.   All results will be checked for accuracy and probability.   A parent's signature may be required.

      The University of Virginia has devised an online experiment  in which you can participate.   It is suggested that you participate in groups of two to four and cooperatively work on your experimental design.   Follow the steps outlined for middle school students and find out how your group can register to be part of the experiment.   For designing and participating in this actual experiment you can earn the maximum number of bonus points that are offered.   Copies of all communications between your group and the university are required as verification of your work.   Extra points can also be earned for summarizing how this project began and listing the various findings of the original experiment.