The Church of Jesus Christ's Teachings

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Welcome to the Church of Jesus Christ's Teachings: After an encounter with the Church of Jesus Christ's Teachings, a one-to-one ministry,we hope one has possession of the following ideas one can use to enhance one's daily life:

1."The most common mistake is to think of God as being a big man -- very big, very wise, very good, but still a big man -- managing the world from the outside. Many of us think we have gotten beyond this, but it turns out that in our hearts we really have not. So we say: Why did God allow the World War to happen? Why do we have strikes, and floods, and riots? ...Why did God allow Aunt Jane or Cousin George to suffer so tragically? Of course, this really means, "If I were God, I would have put these things right," and this in itself gives us a clue.

God is Infinte Mind, the great Over-soul, and man is the individualization of the Great Mind, having intelligence and free will, and therefore the power to make his own conditions. When he uses his mental powers wrongly, he produces fear, hatred, greed, and all kinds of error, and these in turn demonstrate themselves as war, sickness, poverty, and so forth.

The only way to abolish such evil things is to change the race mind by getting rid of the negative thoughts that cause them, and this can be done..."--Emmet Fox. This can be done only by following God's will in one's life.

2. "The most wonderful thing in the world is the Will of God. The Will of God for you at the present moment is something glorious and beautiful, thrillingly interesting and joyous, and, in fact, far beyond anything that you could possibly sit down and wish for with your conscious mind.

It is unfortunate that so many people seem to assume as a matter of course that the Will of God for them is likely to be something dull or burdensome, if not positively repulsive. "I suppose it is God's will for me, so I must put up with it," people say when talking about some condition that they hate. "Thy will be done," pious people say in the face of death or tragedy. All this is absolutely wrong. The Will of God for man is life, health, happiness, and true self-expression, and it is only in connection with these things that we can say, "Thy will be done."

Trouble or suffering of any kind does not come from God. It is an indication that there is a lesson to be learned by us, and the trouble itself furnishes us with the very opportunity that we need in oder to learn that lesson, so that such a thing need never happen to us again.

Trouble is valuable opportunity. Experience is priceless instruction. The Will of God for you is always something joyous and fine."--Emmet Fox

3."Whatever you experience in your life is really but the outpicturing of your own thoughts and beliefs. Now, you can change these thughts and beliefs, and then the outer picture must change too. The outer picture cannot change until you change your thought. Your real heartfelt conviction is what you outpicture or demonstrate, not your mere pious opiions or formal assents.

Convictions cannot be adopted arbitrarily just because you want a healing. They are built up by the thoughts you think and the feelings you entertain day after day as you go through life. So, it is your habitual mental conduct that weaves the pattern of your destiny for you, and is not this just as it should be?

So no one else can keep you out of your kingdom -- or put you into it either.

The story of your life is really the story of the relations between yourself and God."--Emmet Fox: FIND AND USE YOUR INNER POWER.

One-On-One Overview
~ Church Reverends ~
Lewis Atchley Jo Ann Hall-Atchley
Paul Mealer Earl E. Brawley
Wanda Joe Frank Taylor
Daniel Ray Davenport Reserved
~ Sunday Sermon ~

~L.V.Atchley's Pastoral Essays~