Comedy results

Crime and Punishment Arc
(Cable's Room, Babysitting Blues, and Washing Day)
By Shockwave
Story's total rating: 71.33
The Good: Basically Judge #2 had this to say, "The three stories comprising this Arc, fit together very nicely into a cohesive whole. The first two stories "Cable's Room" and "Babysitting Blues" are particularly funny. I found the banter between Tabitha and Rictor is very realistic and effective. Their relationship is developed in a believable fashion. Their misadventures are amusing and completely in character. The use of the X-Babies in the second story, "Babysitting Blues," was very effective (and an outright diabolical choice of punishment). Tabitha and Rictor's difficulties with the laundry in "Washing Day," were amusing and were an effective way of bringing the couple together. I thought the scene between Sam and Tabitha to be particularly well done. The arc was very funny - especially the first two stories. However the final installment was more of a romance than it was a comedy." Judge #3 had this to say, "A very interesting story arc. It's light, but has a whole bunch of deep insights in it too. I hadn't even realized some of those."

The Bad: Judge #2 did have this to say, "Aside from that, the story is well-written with only a minimum of typos. The characterization is largely on target, the few exceptions clearly being for plot purposes (ie Cable and Professor Xavier) and therefore not particularly detrimental to the story as a whole." Now Judge #3 wanted to add that, the characters were "a bit out of character, but not wildly out of character. You could spot the ending a mile away." Both Judge #2 and #3 agreed that the dialog was difficult to follow. With Judge #3 adding that the accents were a bit annoying. Judge #1 gave no comments of any kind.

The Summary: In Cable's Room Rictor and Meltdown check out on of the scariest places in the mansion, Cable's Room! In Babysitting Blues Rictor and Meltdown must pay the price for having been found doing something they shouldn't have been doing. In Washing Day….haven't Meltdown and Rictor learned not to go against a telepath yet? ;)


The Shi' Ar Coffee Story
By Alicia McKenzie
Story's total rating: 80.67

{review withheld by author's request}
The Summary: Someone steals the X-men's coffee machine

And the winner is...

Make A Wish
By Alicia McKenzie
Story's total rating: 84.33
{review withheld by author's request}
The Summary: Judge #1 summed it up best by saying, "It was about Cable's birthday and how he didn't celebrate his birthday."

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