Article 1
1. Mark means a sign in the form of a picture, name, word, letters, figures, color composition, or a combination of these elements which has distinguishing features and is used in the activities of trading in good and services.
2. Trade Mark means a mark which is used on goods which are traded by a person or jointly by several persons or a legal entity to distinguish the goods from other similar goods.
3. Service Mark means a mark which is used for services traded by a person or jointly by several persons or a legal entity to distinguish the services from others similar services.
4. Collective Trade Mark means a mark which is used on goods or services having the same characteristics which are traded jointly by several persons or legal entities to distinguish the goods or services from other similar goods or services.
5. License means a permit given by the owner of a registered trade mark to a person or jointly to several persons or a legal entity to use said trade mark. Either for all or a part of the kind of the goods or services which are registered.
6. Minister means the Minister whose scope of duties and responsibilities includes the guidance of trade marks.
7. Trade Mark Office means the organizational unit within the governmental department which executes duties and authorities in the field of trade marks.