Gwen Austin

Copyright 1997

A loud-colored lizard?
A slimy salamander?
An Eastern newt 
in its immature terrestrial stage--
a red eft.

Red eft and I met in childhood
in our New England wood, 
in early autumn, 
after a rain or morning dew.

A two inch jewel
of black-spotted orange-red,
marched over mountains
of 'princess pine'
on its way to danger.

I lay on furry clubmoss
and marveled
at petite perfection.
Gleaming black eyes glittered
as it studied me.

When onto the road,
it tumbled,
I became its knight,
 transporting it to safety.

One morning after Dad
drove down the hill,
I searched
until I was ill.

There on the track,
smashed front to back,
lay my red eft.

I am still bereft.

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