
Gwen Austin

Copyright 1999

Cold, dark, dreary, faded rug worn weary, gray-black wood stove, flecked with white fly-ash, looms cold and dread. Pendulum hangs limp in antique grandfather clock, its hands motionless where they stopped. Fly-specked windows haze the view of autumn's gems, yellow, gold, red. Golden white pine needles windrowed on rock-pillared porch, whisper, 'Abandoned.' Soon, crackling fire blazes, tickling cold corners into warmth. Key-wound clock resumes its comforting 'tick-tock.' Windows, wiped and washed, welcome setting sun-rays in. Swept porch, with rockers upright, extends a welcome invite to bundle up and sit awhile, until fall's chill drives us in. Candles' glow dances on stone fireplace mantle, causing mica chips to glitter and prance on white, gray, black and pink rocks. Long after dinner guests have gone, the room echoes with stories and laughter. Sustaining joy of connecting again with good friends of old, makes us sigh with happiness. and a heartfelt 'Amen.'