
This is where you can find the latest information about the Poteet Area Orchestras!

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KMS Intermediate Orchestra Personnel

Miranda Aldrete
Stephanie Cason
Katy Daniel
Tina Daniel
Aldrick DeSoisson
Alexander DeSoisson
Dayton Hart
Shelby Johnson
Taylor Jones
Brittany Lovelady
Jenna Moore
Ola Okubanjo
Heather Reid
Khrystal Richmond
Charilyne Rojas
Randi Ross
Regina Roy
Rozelyn Shenaurlt
Amber Williams

String Bass
Adrien Balsamo
Andrew Grondin

Jenna Bankhead
Taylor Cobbin
Daniel Hodges
Rebecca Hollis
Amanda Jones
Kasha Reese

Mohamad Akel
Andrew Cagle
Bryon Carey
Brian Everitt
Maegan Figueroa
Thomas Hensarling
Mahagoney Jones
Britni Lamb
Sarah Lankford
Michael Olguin
Michael O'Rear
Travis Plumb
Merrill Raju


KMS Advanced Orchestra Personnel

Anna Baladad
Sean Lancaster
Heather McCarty
Kelly Murphy
Whitney Nelson
Merideth Whisler

String Bass
Charlie Gonzales
Tim Kelly

Corey Cothrum
Megan Rubio
Benjamin Terry
Wendy Wilson

Mallory Anderson Ý
Nathan Hervey Ý
Dillon Lamb Ý
Charles Miller


Poteet High School 2000-2001 Orchestra Personnel
Adam Arellano
Evie Arrington
Daniel Arvo
Lauren Bannon
Veronica Carvajal
Pat Chamless
Adrienne Gonzales
Andrew Goolsby
Laura Halvorson
Jessica Hernandez
Ashley Horton
Adrien Huerta
Andrea Isaminger
Jason Jacob
Lauren Marlowe
Katie McCamey
Amelia Mendoza
Kollin Mitchell
Emily Moreno
Rachel Nicholson
Ellen Ngo
Chris Nguyen
Tasha Nguyen
Joyce Park
Veronica Perez
Matt Philip
Summer Pollard
Ellen Ranit
Clay Reddick
Kristin Reed
Niki Reed
Nermine Rofael
Katy Roffino
Heather Southard
Joseph Tingsanchali
Matt Tingsanchali
Nicole Valdes
Victoria Veal
Lauryn Walter
Alycia Wheeler
Casey Woodard

Robin Alex
Kerry Bankhead
Felipe Carvajal
Jacob Cluck
Jessica Crim
Greg Dres
Brian Eaton
Steven Edwards
Travis Elfers
Gian Falco
Shannon Fuller
Ben Gonzales
Kelly Kitchen
Justin Kule
Justin Ross
Nicole Tuttle
Courtney Wise

Daniel Brown
Stephen Dean
Anna Grondin
Daryl Johnston
Sam Jones
Daniel Mathis
Lili Ngo
Susan Reynolds
Annie Saunders
Paul Sigler
Brandon Stacey

String Bass
Danny Cobbin
Tai England
Travis Tumulty
Jeff Waldrop







KMS All-City Orchestra Participants


Sean Lancaster - Violin I
Merideth Whisler - Violin I
Heather McCartey - Violin II
Whitney Nelson - Violin II
Ana Baladad - Violin II



Ben Terry - Viola
Corey Cothrum - Viola
Wendy Wilson - Viola



Dillon Lamb - Cello
Nathan Hervey - Cello
Mallory Anderson - Cello


Charlie Gonzales - Bass
Tim Kelly - Bass
Andrew Grondin - Bass



Seventeen KMS Students auditioned for the Mesquite All-City Orchestra this year and all did an outstanding job getting ready. Of the seventeen, fourteen made it ino the orchestra. Congratulations to all that participated and made it.

Chris Nguyen - Violin I
Clay Reddick - Violin I
Matt Tingsanchali- Violin I
Adrian Huerta - Violin I
Nermine Rofael - Violin I

Joseph Tingsanchali - Violin II
Jessica Hernandez - Violin II
Laura Halvorson - Violin II
Amelia Mendoza - Violin II

Brian Eaton - Viola
Travis Elfers - Viola
Gian Falco -Viola

Tai England - Bass
Jeff Waldrop - Bass

 Reg Bass
Charlie Gonzales - Bass


Travis Elfers - Viola - Top Orchestra

Jeff Waldrop - Bass - Top Orchestra


All-City Party!!!

Orchestra Cheerleading 101

The Big Twist-Off

Left hand red!! Keep your hand position correct!!

Which hand is left?


 Don't fall on me!!

 Anyone for a chicken fight.


Ring around the rosie... Oh, I'm so mature.

All-Region Concert


All-Region warm-up befor the concert.



Charlie before the concert. As seen from the view of
Andrew, my 4 year old.


The orchestra on stage.


All-City Concert



 The Middle School All-City Orchestra on stage.


 KMS students at rehearsal.


 Rehearsal in the morning.

No sleeping late today!



 This is much bigger than my school orchestra.



 Rehearsal on stage.


 Rehearsal before the concert.

U.I.L. Contest


Seventh Grade Results
Concert II, II, II - II; Sight Reading II, II, II - II
Excellent Rating Overall

Eighth Grade Results
Concert II, II, III - II; Sight Reading II, II, II - II
Excellent Rating Overall

High School Results
Concert I, I, I - I; Sight Reading II, II, II - II
Superior Division Concert Rating


Congratulations to all the orchestras for a job well done!!!


Other Contest

Sixth Grade Sandy Lake Contest
Concert I, I, I - I
Superior Division Rating

Seventh Grade Sandy Lake Contest
Concert I, I, I - I
Superior Division Rating

Eighth Grade Meyerson Contest
Concert I, I, II - I
Supeior Rating; Best in Class Award

High School South Coast Contest
Concert I, I, I - I
Superior Division Rationg; Best in Class Award


Congratulations to everyone
- orchestra students, directors, parents, and schools -
All have made this year extremely successful!!

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