
This is where you can find the latest information about the Poteet Area Orchestras!

Home Page

KMS Intermediate Orchestra Personnel
Kemi Adesodun
Deje Bragg
Brandon Darr
Geoffrey Grafing
Jinghou Heiw
Patrick Lozano
Minh Ma
Manju Mathew
Rebekah McDonald
Victoria McDonald
Kimberly Melo
Shawn Murphy
Justin Partain
Delaina Perez
Johnna Pickard
Jennifer Roderick
Samantha Van Roy

Katie Boettcher
Sarah Burt
James Lopez
Tina Smith
Alyssa Torres

Jessica Alexander
Clayton Barsoum
Tony Gonzalez
Nathan Holloway
Aaron Moreno
Spencer Nelson

String Bass
Nick Wadle

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KMS Advanced Orchestra Personnel

Cody Adams
Stephanie Cason
Katy Daniel
Dayton Hart
Jenna Moore
Ola Okubanjo
Heather Reid
Charilyne Rojas
Randi Ross
Regina Roy

String Bass
Adrien Balsamo
Andrew Grondin

Jenna Bankhead
Taylor Cobbin
Daniel Hodges
Rebecca Hollis
Amanda Jones
Kasha Reese

Mohamad Akel
Andrew Cagle
Bryon Carey
Maegan Figueroa
Britni Lamb
Sarah Lankford
Michael Olguin
Michael O'Rear
Merrill Raju

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Poteet High School 2000-2001 Orchestra Personnel
Adam Arellano
Evie Arrington
Daniel Arvo
Lauren Bannon
Anna Baladad
Veronica Carvajal
Andrew Goolsby
Laura Halvorson
Jessica Hernandez
Ashley Horton
Adrien Huerta
Sean Lancaster
Lauren Marlowe
Amelia Mendoza
Kollin Mitchell
Emily Moreno
Whitney Nelson
Ellen Ngo
Chris Nguyen
Joyce Park
Veronica Perez
Ellen Ranit
Kristin Reed
Niki Reed
Nermine Rofael
Heather Southard
Joseph Tingsanchali
Matt Tingsanchali
Victoria Veal
Merideth Whisler
Casey Woodard

Robin Alex
Kerry Bankhead
Felipe Carvajal
Corey Cothrum
Brian Eaton
Travis Elfers
Christa Frerking
Kelly Kitchen
Justin Kule
Justin Ross
Wendy Wilson
Courtney Wise

Mallory Anderson
Daniel Brown
Stephen Dean
Anna Grondin
Nathan Hervey
Daryl Johnston
Dillon Lamb
Lili Ngo
Travis Plumb
Susan Reynolds
Annie Saunders
Paul Sigler

String Bass
Danny Cobbin
Tai England
Charlie Gonzales

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Middle School All-City Participants



KMS All-City Orchestra Participants



Cherilyne Rojas - Violin I
David Rucker - Violin I (Kimball Elementary)
Jenna Moore - Violin II
Katy Daniel - Violin II
Minh Ma - Violin II



Kasha Reese - Viola
Rebecca Hollis - Viola
Amanda Jones - Viola



Bryon Carey - Cello
Andrew Cagle - Cello
Michael Olguin - Cello


Adrien Balsamo - Bass
Andrew Grondin - Bass


Thirteen KMS students made it into the Mesquite All-City Orchestra this year. KMS is 1/4 of the total orchestra. Of the thirteen, we also had a sixth grade student from Kimball Elementary make the Orchestra. Congratulations to all that participated and made it.

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High School All-City Participants


Matt Tingsanchali - Violin I
Meredith Whisler - Violin I
Adrian Huerta - Violin I
Amelia Mendoza - Violin I
Veronica Carvajal - Violin I
Nermine Rofael - Violin I

Chris Nguyen - Violin II
Joseph Tingsanchali - Violin II
Heather Southard - Violin II
Whitney Nelson - Violin II

Travis Elfers - Viola
Brian Eaton - Viola
Kerry Bankhead - Viola
Felipe Carvajal - Viola
Justin Ross - Viola

Daniel Brown - Cello

Tai England - Bass
Charlie Gonzalez - Bass


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Jr. High Region III Participants


 Reg Bass
Charlie Gonzales - Bass


Katy Daniel - Violin

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High School Region III Participants


Chris Ngyen - Violin I
Joseph Tingsanchali - Violin I

Travis Elfers - Viola
Brian Eaton - Viola

Tai England - Bass


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All-City Party!!!







 Yum, Yum, more FOOD!!!



 Things that you should not do in the Orchestra Room


Look at me skateboard.

Look at me levitate.





 PARTY!!! Woo, Woo!!!

 HOMEWORK!!! Woo, Woo!!!



 Yippy!!! I'm so happy!!!


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All-City Concert




 High School All-Ciy Orchestra

  Middle School All-Ciy Orchestra



- Compare -


Violist hard at work trying to get to the concert on time.


Violinist hard at work and on time for the concert.




 Some of the Poteet players pose for a shot before the concert.



 Kimbrough Middle School students hard at work for the All-City Concert.


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KMS Christmas Party





All-Region Concert


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U.I.L. Contest


Seventh Grade Results

Sweepstakes - Concert I I I - I; Sightreading I I I - I

Eighth Grade Results

Excellent Rating - Concert II II II - II Sightreading - II II II - II

High School Results

Sweepstakes - Concert I I I - I; Sightreading I I I - I

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Other Contest

Seventh Grade Results - Sandy Lake Festival

Concert I I I - I

Eighth Grade Results - Meyerson Competition

Concert II II I - II

High School Results - Muchinson Competition

Concert I I I - I

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