Poteet Area Sixth Grade Honor Orchestra


Audition Procedure

The Poteet Area Honor Orchestra is made from selected members of the Austin, Beasley, Cannaday, Kimball, and Porter Elementary Orchestras. Every elementary orchestra student auditions, by tape, for this honor. The students are assigned a number and remain anonymous throughout the audition procedure. The tapes are judged by a panel of judges and the students are ranked according to ability. The audition tape is the only factor in determining ability since the judges do not know the student that is being judged. From the ranking, students names are matched to their audition number and placed in the orchestra. All tapes are made during the students class period.

The Past

The Poteet Area Honor Orchestra was started in 1995 by Mr. Steven Marien and Mr. Vernon Lewis. The vision was to give the beginning orchestra student experience with the audition process and give an incentive for the hard working student. The first two Honor Orchestras (1995-96 and 1996-97) performed on the last concert of the season with the Kimbrough and Poteet Orchestras. The 1997-98 and 1998-99 Honor Orchestras performed at the Double D Music Festival. At the festival, these orchestras recieved a First Division Rating as well as The Best in Class Award for being the best beginning orchestra. The 1999-05 Honor Orchestras performed the Sandy Lake Music Festival. At the festival, the orchestra recieved a First Division Superior Rating. The Sandy Lake Music Festival will be attended by the upcoming honor orchestras.