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Antonella Pavese's Vita


Doctor of Philosophy, June 1997
University of Padua, Department of Psychology, Padua, Italy
Cognitive and Experimental Psychology

Laurea in Psychology, July 1991
University of Padua, Department of Psychology, Padua, Italy
Graduated Cum Laude (110/110)

Research Experience

Post-doctoral Fellow, October 1998 - July 2000
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Research in collaboration with Myrna Schwarz, Laurel Buxbaum, and John Whyte. Investigation on action, executive function, and selective attention in TBI and stroke patients. Collaboration on fMRI project on body representations with Branch Coslett at Temple University.

Post-doctoral Fellow, June 1997 - September 1998
University of Oregon, Department of Psychology, Eugene, Oregon

Research in collaboration with professors Michael Posner and McKay Moore Sohlberg. Study on the pathology of attentional systems after traumatic brain injury (TBI) using high density Event Related Potentials (ERPs) and on the effect of attentional rehabilitation (Attentional Processing Training, APT) on brain circuitry of TBI patients.

Graduate Research Fellow, April 1996 - June 1997
University of Oregon, Department of Psychology, Eugene, Oregon

Research in collaboration with professor Michael Posner. Experiments on brain networks involved in word and sentence processing using high density ERPs. ERP investigation on negative priming and distractor repetition effects.

Visiting Scholar, August 1994 - March 1996
University of Oregon, Department of Psychology, Eugene, Oregon

Research in collaboration with Professor Steve Keele on inhibitory processes in selective attention and in particular on the negative priming effect. Presentations at the Cognitive Neuroscience and Memory & Learning seminars.

Graduate Research Fellow, November 1992-July 1994
University of Padua, Padua, Italy

Research and coursework focused on selective attention, inhibition mechanisms, and cognitive deficits associated with psychiatric syndromes. Graduate supervisor for undergraduate students during research activity and preparation of their thesis. Supervised by Professor Carlo Umiltà. Computer programming training and teaching (MEL). Designed and conducted experiments on selective attention, supervised undergraduate student research.

Teaching Experience

Adjunct Professor, March 1998 - June 1998
University of Oregon, Department of Psychology, Eugene, Oregon
Cognition (PSY 435/535).

Academic Activities

'98 Cognitive Rehabilitation Annual Meeting of the James S. McDonnell Foundation
St. Louis, Missouri, September 10-12 1999

McDonnell Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience
Dartmouth, July 1-13 1996

Research Interests

Selective Attention
Processing of unattended information in spatial and nonspatial selective attention. Modulation of interference effects through semantic manipulation. Sequential modulation of distractor information intrusion.

Inhibition mechanisms in cognition
Inhibition as a regulatory mechanism in cognition, with a focus on inhibition mechanisms in selective attention (negative priming effects), memory retrieval and control processes. Neural mechanisms involved in inhibition.

Semantic priming and Linguistic processing
ERP studies of semantic priming effects and word and sentence processing.

Attentional rehabilitation of closed-head injured patients
Brain reorganization after brain injury and effect of cognitive rehabilitation training. Study of brain changes with event related potentials.


  • Pavese, A., & Buxbaum, L., (2002). Action matters: The role of action plans and object affordances in selection for action, Visual Cognition, 9(4), 559-590.
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  • Pavese, A., Coslett, B., Saffran, E., Buxbaum, L., & Lie, E. (2002) Limitations of attentional orienting: Effects of abrupt visual onsets and offsets on naming two objects in a patient with bilateral posterior lesions. Neuropsychologia, 40(7), 1097-103.
  • Stablum, F., Ricci, R., Pavese, A., & Umiltà, C., (2001). Global/local processing and negative priming: The influence of selection difficulty and stimulus exposure, Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung, 65(2), 81-97.
  • Sohlberg, M. M., McLaughlin, K., Pavese, A., & Heidrich, A., & Posner, M. I. (2000), Rehabilitation of attention disorders with Attention Process Therapy, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 22(5), 656-76.
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  • Pavese, A. & Umiltà, C. (1999), Further Evidence on the Effect of Symbolic Distance on Stroop-like Interference, Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung, 62(1), 62-71.
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  • Pavese, A. & Umiltà, C. (1998), Symbolic Distance Between Numerosity and Identity Modulates Stroop Interference, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 24(5), 1535-1545.
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  • Posner, M. I. & Pavese, A. (1998), Anatomy of Word and Sentence Meaning, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 95(3), 800-905.
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  • Pavese, A., Heidrich, A., Sohlberg, M., Laughlin, K., & Posner, M. I., Pathologies of Attentional Networks Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Technical Report 98-??. Eugene, OR: Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences.
  • Pavese, A. (1997). Negative Priming and Stages of Selection: The effect of perceptual discriminability and response congruency, Technical Report 97-05. Eugene, OR: Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences.
  • Angrilli, A., Cherubini, P., Pavese, A., & Manfredini, S. (1997), The influence of affective factors on time perception, Perception & Psychophysics, 59(6), 972-982.
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  • Pavese, A. & & Keele, S. (1996). New evidence on the relationship between negative priming and interference: A flanker study. In R. Romaioli & D. Marco (Eds.), Experimental and theoretical studies in psychology: Ph.D. students' contributions from the psychology departments of Padua University, (pp. 43-55). Padova, Italy: Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Universita di Padova.
  • Stablum, F. & Pavese A. (1992), L'attenzione selettiva e il fenomeno del priming negativo [Selective attention and negative priming]. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, XIX(3), 333-356.


  • Pavese, A., Heidrich, A., Sohlberg, M., Laughlin, K., & Posner, M. I., Pathologies of Attentional Networks Following Traumatic Brain Injury.
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  • Pavese, A., Negative Priming and Stages of Selection: The effect of perceptual discriminability and response congruency,.

Conference Presentations

  • Buxbaum, L.J., Pavese, A. Action Plans and Object Affordances Influence Selection for Action, Poster presented at the Eight Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2001.
  • Pavese, A., Coslett, B., Saffran, E., Buxbaum, L., & Lie, E., Early and late visual deficits in simultanagnosia, Poster presented at the Seventh Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, April 9-11, 2000.
  • Pavese, A., Posner, M. I., Moore Sohlberg, M., McLaughlin, K. A., & Heidrich. A., Pathologies of attentional networks following diffuse brain injury, Poster presented at the Sixth Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Washington DC, April 11-13, 1999.
  • Pavese A, An ERP study of Location and Identity Negative Priming, Poster presented at the Fifth Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, April 5-7 1988.
  • Pavese A., Negative Priming and Levels of Attentional Selection, Poster presented at the Meeting of the Cognitive Science Association for Interdisciplinary Learning, River Hood, July 31-August 4, 1997.
  • Pavese, A., New evidence on the Relationship between Negative Priming and Interference: A Flanker Study, Paper presented at the Giornata Interdipartimentale sui Dottorati in Psicologia, Padua, November 10, 1995.
  • Pavese, A. & Umiltà, C., "Distanza semantica" tra numeri ed effetto di interferenza ["Symbolic distance between numbers and interference effect"], poster presented at the XII National Congress of the SIPs, Divisione Ricerca di Base in Psicologia, Rome (Italy), September 29-October 2, 1993.
  • Stablum, F., Pavese A. & Di Pace, E., Navon Interference and Negative Priming, Paper presented at the XXV International Congress of Psychology, Bruxelles, July 19-24, 1992.