Ladyleo's Wonderfully Pagan Page

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Well let me start off by telling you about myself Iam a Celtic pagan. Which basically means I combine into my faith parts of Celtic folk magick, Shamanism and Druidism into my personal religious pratice..But this page will not focus on that much, but basic pagan ideals.. The info that is in these pages comes from many sources but two main ones: Scott Cunninghams and Silver Ravenwolf books. I find they are simple and basic Ideals and information. A good beginning place. Well I hope this page is useful I will be adding tidbits as i get to them as well as other pagan news.

for anyone that may not know what the term pagan is..

well the most simple answer (since their are many personal definitions) is from the webster dictionary.. PAGAN: Being of a belief and or religion that is not Hebrew based.. Typically polytheistic...

Well since as a stated above alot of info is from Cunningham and Ravenwolf's book's I must tell you they are Wiccans. My first Taste of Paganism was wiccan so I think its only right i give you some information on them.

Wiccan well the most simply way i can explain I think is thu this poetic version of the Rede (rede is the most important rule in the wiccan religion.)

You got questions about Paganism, Witchcraft, ec?.

Well we will find you answers. If i dont know the answer or where you can find it I will find someone who is an expert in that field.. if it can be done.. just click here to find out more

Attention geocities Pagans

This page originally started off in heartland bluffs. because as we all know Wiccan as other Pagan paths are religions.. When I wanted to join the banner exchange they denied me right to stating that the page didnt fit the nieghborhood. Well Iam still confused, then why Christian and Hebrew sites can be in the banner exchange there. IF you would like to file a compliant with the Heartland leaders please first visit heartland and email the leaders and explain to them that pagan religions are that religions that are ethical and family values

have you ever get tired of hearing the you worship the devil speech or the you are damned one well this is an article written by one Christian who sees within the bible and his heart acceptance for our beliefs and a respect for the wiccan path.

a christian view

Pagan holidays (sabbats)

questions and answers


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in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit the site..

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