My job as the "Ah" counter is simply to make people more effective speakers by making them aware when they are using words or gestures that can draw attention away from their speech.
I will press this buzzer [demonstrate] every time I hear verbal distractions, such as the "ah", "a", or "um" sound, any filler words such as "you know" or "okay", or a run-on sentence connected by "and" or "and so".
I will ring this bell [demonstrate, damping bell sound after a second or so] if I see any physical distractions, such as [demonstrate] hands in pockets, playing with a pen, leaning on the table or lectern, figleaf [clasping hands in front], or reverse figleaf [clasping hands in back], that will distract the audience from the speaker's message. I will refrain from using the buzzer or bell during the prepared speeches. For them, I will just write down their violations. I will keep track of the filler words and posture violations throughout the meeting and near the end of the meeting, when called on by the General Evaluator, I will give a report on the "ah" and "posture" violation count for each speaker.
Mr. (or Madam) Toastmaster.
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