How to Make Ice

by: D. Schrauth

Follow the directions and you will make ice and amaze yourself.

You will need a cubed tray. Some water and a magical freezing machine/freezer.

1- Take a clean tray and fill it about ¾ full of water.

2- Make sure to observe the water and the tray well. Remember how it looks.

3- Put the tray in the freezer. Make sure it is not at an angle or the water will spill out.

4- Let it sit in the freezer an average of 6-12 hours to assure the solidification process has occurred.

5- If you paid attention to the way the water looked before, check it out now. It should be solid.

Here are some practical uses for your new found ability:

1- Cool down your summer favorites such as lemonade and tea.

2- Help those sports injuries that just happened to occur.

3- Help the bumps on the head from low door trim.

4- To stop the swelling of your child's arm after attempting to jump his sister on a tricycle.

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