Welcome to BlackMothWorld

BlackMoth I Don't Need No Stinkin Counter,
All My Visitors Are # 1

This is a personal site and as such has a somewhat ecclectic mix of topics. BlackMoth has a wide variety of interests, is creative, well read and plugged into the world (although not in any standard kind of way). Interests include science, math & philosophy, food & beer, chess, drac & etc., you name it; everything but money, economics & world domination.

Well world domination would be okay, but who has the time :-)

BlackMoth Website Philosophy:

Put up some interesting content.
Make pages functional;
visually appealing;
Don't make it too wordy.
You know how some people just go on and on and don't seem to realize that... ooops, sorry

Please Come In

Site Entrance Requires Correct Response to the Following Puzzle.
Choose One and Prepare to Defend Your Answer!

Cartoon by McPherson. Distributed by Universal Press Syndicate, 1994.
Cut, Shared, Kept, Displayed, Scanned, Coloured, Posted and Obsessed Over by BlackMoth
a b c d e f g h


Prepare 2 B Framed
Under 2.1 Years of Age...GET OUT NOW!
Do your parents know where U R?

HUH?! Vebring
Site#22: BlackMoth

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This Winnipeg Ring site is owned by: BlackMoth
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Created: 29/10/98
Updated: 04/12/98