The Ideal of True Family
What is God's Will? It seems to be a very simple question but actually it is a very difficult question. I asked one theologian to explain to me the Will of God and he said to me, "It seems like a very simple question but actually it is very difficult to explain." Of course he is right. So what does Rev. Moon of the Unification Church think that God's Will is? We have to give an explanation concerning the Will of God. This is an absolute necessity. The reason for this is because God is the origin of the whole Providence of Salvation and is the central point of unity and the driving force of providential history. So I think that giving a conclusive definition of the Will of God is of the utmost importance.
So what is God's Will? It is to realize His ideal of creation, which is to complete His purpose for
Creating the universe. It is simple. So what is God's Will? It is to realize the Purpose of Creation.
God did not create the universe without a purpose, He definitely had a purpose. So it is natural that
God's Will is to realize His Purpose of Creation.Who was the center of the Purpose of Creation? It was Adam and Eve. This is why, in the Unification Church we say that God's Purpose of Creation is to realize His ideal of creation. So why did God create the universe? It was to realize His ideal centering on Adam and Eve. And we say that this ideal is to establish the Four Position Foundation.
Then what is the Four Position Foundation? It is for Adam and Eve to become absolutely one with God so that even if they tried to leave the realm of God's love they could not. They would attend God above in the position of Father and on the earth they would be the central family standing in the position of being the ancestors of humankind and be the unified starting point of love. Then the position in which Adam relates to Eve, which would be realized by following the ideal that God had when He created Adam and Eve, would be the position of united love.
If God's Will had been realized centering on God's love and if Adam and Eve had become husband and wife and had children who in turn had realized the love which would have enabled the parents and children to become one, then the Adam cultural sphere would have been established.
There would not be the countless races and tribes that we see in the world today. Also culture would not have been formed by the tangled mess of history. There would be one race. And there would be one cultural sphere which would have arisen from one ideology. From the point of view of culture, there would be one historical root and all the customs would be the same.
If they had done that, then the family would have multiplied into the clan, the race and the nation, all within the realm of God's love. Which in turn centering on Adam's family would have expanded into the world. Then God's ideal world based on the Adam culture and thought would have been established. And what would this world have been centered on? God's love. Then with God above as the Father, all humankind would have been like brothers and sisters. Like a fruitful tree of love, the roots would have become the trunk, the trunk the branches, the branches the leaves and this world would have been like one body of God9s love and thus the eternal ideal world would have been realized. This is a summary of our world view from the point of view of God's Will. (110-213)
As a husband and wife it is only when we gain the victory with our children, together as a family, that we can say for the first time that we are a family that has realized the ideal and purpose of creation. It is only after the father and mother have become one and then the children and parents have become one that a perfect Four Position Foundation is formed.
God has not been able to find one such family on this earth. There has been no family, there has not even been an individual who has been able to overcome the power of Satan. Unificationism teaches that this purpose is not achieved by the individual alone, it can only be achieved in the family together with the children. (52-307)
What must fallen man seek for? We must seek for God and God's love. If Adam and Eve had completely become one, centered on God, then because they had become one with the absolute being, even from a relative position, their love would have become absolute. If that had happened, then sons and daughters born in that absolute realm of love would have received absolute love and would have remained naturally in the realm of God's love. In the absolute realm of love there is no conflict or high or low, and when they enter the position of complete obedience they would have received God's absolute love. Then their sons and daughters would have grown up in the peaceful realm of God's love. In that kind of atmosphere, parents and children could have lived in harmony and praised God's love. This is what in the Unification Church we call the true standard of the Four Position Foundation. It is the multiplication of ideal families. What would happen if the mother, father and children become one and realize the True Four Position Foundation? If the mother and father become one centered on God's love, then the children automatically become one. Do you see?
Do you like a complicated thing or a simple one? ~e like a simple one.] Really, you like a simple family? [Yes] Then, where has what I said lead to?
I mean, let's live together with our grandfather, grandmother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and grandchildren. Centered on what? Three generations of Formation, Growth and Completion can settle down in a family, being centered on the center. What does it mean? It means that you can love God when you love not only your father and mother but also grandparents. When you put grandfather above father and mother's position, then you can love God.
Then, why do we need a husband? Why do we need parents? Why do we need sons and daughters? It's just because we can't serve God without them. That's why we need them. It is the principal that we need to have parents, sons and daughters. Now, what does this mean? One, two, three, one, two, three (speaking while writing on the board) Here is the center. With an angle of 90 degrees. An angle of 90 degrees should be fit for it. These are all the same. So is the Center.
Now we understand why we need three generations. Do you need parents? [Yes] Then, do you need a husband and a wife? [Yes] You need a baby? [Yes] Why do you need them? From this, the theory must be reasonable, that we need parents, a husband and children, in order to make a relationship with God and the very good center as well.
We have to surely know why we need parents, a spouse, children. You should know that by all means. You are bound to go up and down, to the center and side, to every direction. Even grandchildren can't help going to these directions.
When you act toward your grandfather with love, then he may say, "Good, good" You know this fact? [Yes] So you should know that it is a really surprising thing that the Unification Church has trained people how to build this type of family which is centered on the original love, in order to realize the original world which has not come true yet. (128-17)
There should be parents, a husband and a wife and child in a family. Then, the family becomes a foundation of happiness. The reason that God has sought human beings is to seek His own happiness.
So in order for God to seek such a foundation of happiness, He cannot achieve the ideal, if He were away from human beings. When God makes a relationship with people, then He can achieve it. Just as we feel a happiness in the family where there are all kinds of emotions and sentiments, so God can feel that in that place. (132-198)
These days, the basic foundation of family ethics is being shaken. So far, those who believe in religion have thought that it's not good to get married.
But we have to sing in praise of the great divinity of marriage. The way for a man and woman to love each other will be built through their married life.
Thus, they can become one, then whom are the man and the woman supposed to take after? That's God. Only when they become one, can they resemble God who made the man and the woman from His external image. Then, God can be together within them.
The power of the Universe is like this. Why does a wife cry over her husband's death? Well, we can think death is just death 'He died because he would not want to eat meals? (laughing) Death!, it's just nothing but to be all over. Then, why do people cry for that? You have to know this point. When you don't have any sons and daughters, what makes you cry and be sad? The point is that you should be fully equipped with all the constituent family members. That's the basic principle of the Universe.
Therefore, we can say that the existence-power of the Universe is composed of power and will to advance the object's ideal. For this reason, they all can have give and take with each other. For instance, the South and the North can have give and take with each other, can't they? Just as the South Pole and the North Pole create give and take action, so one star and another star can do so. Nothing can exist without its counterpart. Such an ideally unified being which has perfect give and take action can deserve the support of the Universe.
It means that in order for this type of unified being to remain, a Heavenly Fortune should come around it. Then, everything cooperates for such a being. That's how the principle works. Also, we absolutely need sons and daughters. Nowadays, Western society has been filled with the way of thinking that there is no need of children. But just see if they really will not need any children later. You may understand why you need children, if you go to the spiritual world. The place where you are standing has an upside and the downside at the same time. It means that our existence is bound to pass through three numeric stages.
Everything is made up of three stages. Three stages! There should be parents, a husband and a wife, and children in these three stages. None can run counter to this Heavenly Principle. If you divide the stages into three parts, there are three stages of man and those of woman. If these are added up, three numeric stages can be formed and thus the ideal world comes true. Speaking of something ideal, it means that there must be a grandfather and a grandmother, a father and a mother, and yourselves. The family ethics of the Unification Church just originate from this ideal. (70-76)
What is Heaven? There is Heaven where one can love others just like his family members. Also it is the Heavenly people who do so. Grandfather and grandmother, mother and father, his wife, brother and sister, and children! What do these four generations mean? A family is just like a textbook where Heavenly people can experience a perfect love, the true love of the Universe. We all have to understand that a family is like a textbook that teaches you what the cornerstone of your life is.
What is the center of a family? That's the parents. Then why is it the parents? It's because the parents exist and live for the sake of all the members of the family. Does that mean that parents are unique beings? It means parents are the sole central beings which are absolute, unchanging and everlasting.
Now we have learned the fact that it is the parents who have such an unchangeable volume of love within themselves. There is a cloth which wraps any diamond or gold. Is the wrapping cloth valuable or not? The cloth may have an equal value to a diamond, if it is used to wrap a diamond. From this point of view, we have understood how valuable parents are. Once more, we have to keep in mind how precious the parents are who have an unchanging, limitlessly valuable love. Have you ever thought of parents in that view? The word, "unique" or unique parents, comes from this view. Parents are unique, unchanging and eternal from whom all these concepts come. That's what parents are. True or wrong? Yes, it's true. Parents can be changeable? [No]
After all, even if any revolution breaks out, we can not revolutionize love. So the origin of this love will remain for good. And such parents, as the subjects of love, must need you absolutely, continuously and permanently. (74-19)
Have parents ever been taught how to love their children? Here, ladies! You have a baby and you love it. Then, have you ever learned how to love the baby? Is there any elementary, middle, high school, or a university teaching love? Is there any need and use of a bachelor's or doctor's degree in loving a baby? No conditions are needed for this love but a perfect standard of love which everyone wants to reach. The less one feels love toward children, the more he wants to make efforts to love them, even to the extent of 100% love. Right?
A perfect thing needs nothing more to make it better and it needs no more learning for it. The perfect thing is the thing that one doesn't have to add to or subtract from any more. Accordingly, it is something unchanging and eternal. (38-227)
What in the world are parents? There may be a son who is a world champion in both physical force and brain power. And he may think his parents are a big problem in his life. Then he might want to go back on his parents and do as he likes. But why couldn't he do so? You have to know this point.
He can do as he pleases because he thinks he is the best in force and brains. Where does the origin of love come from? From yourselves? [From parents] The origin of love is not yourselves but parents. There is no result without cause. Understand that? One knows he is not the subject, from the light of love. So he shall not do as he pleases. That's why children say, "Yes, mother, yes father" in front of their parents. So when your parents say, "You may be famous and have authority in the world, but in front of your parents you should be reasonable," then the children can answer like this, "Yes, yes, yes, mother and father." Why? Because there is love between them. While parents are the subject, children are the object. Can you understand this?
It is the principle that the subject should take care of the object and the object should obey the subject. When this order is destroyed, a family will lose its value. However stupid a person may be, he was born with the original mind, he would know that this is the Heavenly principle. Therefore, no matter how powerful he may be, he has to bow toward his parents. Am I wrong? [No] (50-135)
Just as one loves his children, parents and grandparents, so he has to love other children, parents and grandparents in his neighborhood. There we can form relationships in every direction. That's the way it is. Understand? There can't occur the Heavenly principle centered on a vertical standard of heart without forming these relationships. So I want to say, "let's put that in practice." That's why we can say that the Unification Church is building the ideal family because we are practicing it to make it come true.
Then, what do you have to do in this vertical center? You have to make it again on a horizontal level. That's what you have to do. So you can't help loving grandparents. Well, I will also become a grandfather soon. [Yes] Yes, I will be a grandfather. So will you be. It goes the same way. You are born as a son or a daughter, get married, become parents and grandparents. That's our life. That's the official course of our life. You have to accept and love these facts, otherwise you run counter to the Heavenly Principle. That's how it goes. You understand? [Yes]
Basically if we do not fix these relationships, there would be no way to put the world in order. If you go to a Western society, you may feel that the old people there are poor. You may not know how much they miss and envy Eastern customs. They might say to themselves, "The Eastern people serve their grandparents like God, always consulting with their seventy or eighty-year old parents about whatever in order to make any decision. How good it is!"
Who is the oldest grandfather? Isn't it God? Also, who is the youngest? It's also God Himself. God is older than a grandfather and younger than a baby, so in order for us to love God, we have to love the whole man. Do you understand? When it comes to age, God may be the oldest and youngest.
When you say that you love God, it should mean you have to love your neighborhood, the people around you, and even people in the spiritual world who passed away in history. That is logical.
These days, does the American family live together with their mother and father, grandfather and grandmother? [No, they don't] Is that a good or bad family? [That's bad] Then, why? I was wondering if the old in America like to go to a nursing home. Which park is something in New York? That's ... [Central Park] Yes, one spring day, I once went to Central Park. I found that all the benches had been filled with the old people. I came close to them, and asked them if they like to live together with their children or live separately? They answered that they don't like living alone but being together with their sons and daughters and grandchildren. They said that they always had missed their family. The number of the old in America have lived so much alone, missing their sons, daughters, and grandchildren, and thus, they passed away in such solitary places.
Originally all people were destined to be born, live, and die within love and with love. But such lonely old people don't have any partner to give love to or be given love. It may be their happiness and wish that they love and live together with their sons and daughters and grandchildren. So God is just like the old man in a family. (98-45)
You are standing in the place and the position of children. Also you are destined to inherit the fortune of your grandparents and parents. Why do you need grandparents? It's because they represent the past. They represent the real history of the past. Next, what do parents stand for? They stand for the present age. Consequently, the children stand for the future. That's how everything is involved there. The center of all parts, grandparents, parents, and children, is moving toward true love. You had better remember this, when you think of your family. To love and respect grandfather is to inherit and learn the past. You can learn the present from your father. To love and cherish children is to learn the future. What you could inherit from grandparents and parents is True Love, the lineage of True Love. If the grandfather and grandmother become one with each other, then the mother and father will become one also, centering on true love, we should be one and inherit the future. We can't inherit the future without forming a true family.
Through these three thing, we can understand the Universe. God stands for all history, and the true family represents the present and the future.
It means that the family is a textbook to show how to learn the love of the Universe. If there isn't a grandfather or a grandmother in your family, you may feel something lacking. Accordingly, a family should have the necessary parts. And then the family can be realized in the Kingdom of Heaven with the same shape and with the same members. The person who deserves to go to the Kingdom of Heaven is the one who loves the true grandparents, true parents, true children, true family, true nation, and the true Universe. The family is the textbook of the Heavenly world.
The grandfather loves the father and mother even at the risk of his life. How amazing and wonderful he is! In the same way, the mother and father love their sons and daughters at the risk of their lives. How amazing and wonderful they are! In conclusion, true love is something which makes a person die for the other's sake in a family: the grandfather is for grandchildren's sake, the parents for the children's sake, the children for the parents' sake, the elder sister for the younger's sake, the younger for the elder's sake, the husband for the wife's sake, the wife for the husband's sake, the grandmother for the grandfather's sake, and the grandfather for the grandmother's sake. (162-140)
Now that the young members of the Unification Church have understood the Will, they should take the old grandmother and grandfather out of the nursing home. It is high time for them to do so. If they would do so, would the old grandparents like it? [Yes, they would like it] What do the young people think? [They will like it] What makes you think so? It's because you have learned the teaching of the Divine Principle from the Unification Church. Before you learned that, you might have disliked the old.
You fellows, you will be a failure if you send your father and mother to a nursing home. You have to offer a prayer, "Oh, Heavenly Father, my father, my mother, and myself, these three generations must become absolutely one in heart and love, so please God, be with us." You should pray like that, then you are able to go to the Kingdom of Heaven. Otherwise, you could not go there.
Well, of your grandfather, father and you, who would be the closest person to God? [It's the grandfather.] That's right. Then, who can be the second closest person? [It's the father.] And then? It's you. Therefore, you should understand that you can t restore the original state until you inherit the blessing of the grandfather, grandmother, father and mother. You alone can't connect yourself to the kingdom of Heaven, if there is no vertical world. That situation can't establish any Four Position Foundation. (130-134)
The family is the textbook to show how to make the Kingdom of Heaven. There is one common thing that every nation can agree upon. If you love the whole of parents and old people in the world as you love your physical parents and grandparents, you are surely supposed to go to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Any border in the spiritual world could not influence such a man. In other words, if you treat all the young in the world as your sons and daughters, you will be welcome anyplace in the Heavenly world.
The family is the textbook to show how to make a relationship with the Kingdom of Heaven. It means the textbook for education. If you apply what you learn in such an ideal family to the nation, the world and God, you will become a patriot, the son or daughter of God, namely the holy son, respectively. It is not the holy man but the holy son. All men have such a desire to be so.
What is the Universe? It is the amplified family. You've got to know this. Seen from the order of the family, it comprises the up, middle, down, left, right, front and back side. That is the principle. When we speak of the up and down side, it indicates parents and children, when speaking of the left and right, it refers to husband and wife, when it is the front and back side, it means brothers and sisters. How can make all those parts become one? Power? [No] Knowledge? [No] Money? [No] Then what makes it possible? [Love] Love doesn't mean ordinary love. It is True Love. Nothing can make a round circle but true love.
Then, what are the up, middle and down sides in a family? That's the textbook to let you feel the love of the Universe. I want you to spread such love to the world. How to love yourself? Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." What does that mean? That's unclear. When you meet another grandfather, serve him as you serve your own grandfather. In the same way, you have to serve other mothers, fathers and children. Also it can be said that all those kinds of people are exhibited in the exhibition center, the world. It's like a world people exhibition.
When you love others with love as you love your family member, God will be with you. In addition, when you see a child, love him as you love God.
Well, what is the Heavenly world like? It is like an amplified family and exhibition center of qualified goods. So it should have some shape to hold such a qualified family. (128-23)
Here, can we live without learning the love of the Universe? [No, we can't live] God gave you a textbook, the holy script and promised that you shall love your grandfather and grandmother, who had been sent to you on behalf of those grandfathers and grandmothers in the spiritual world.
In the same manner, if you absolutely love your father and mother, who stand for the other parents in the world, it makes the condition for you to love the rest of all parents. It applies to the case of men and women, and children in the same way. So a family is the training center to teach people what love is and how to love people through the holy scripture. If these trainees answer yes when they are asked to love other grandfathers and grandmothers as they are love their grandparents, then they can establish the conditions to save this world.
In loving people, you shouldn't discriminate among people just because they are black, Asian, poor or uneducated. You have to love people, whatever they may be like, just as you love your family members. That's the formula by which one is taught how to love. (130-273)
God's Will is to realize the Kingdom of Love in this world. The world is an amplified family. If you look at the world, what can you see there? There live other grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, children and so on. The world is an amplified family where lots of people from the old to the young are living. (147-28)
For what is man born? It is for love. One receives parents' love from the womb until the marriageable age. And one meets his partner and falls in love. In the meantime, he comes to experience God's love by having his own children. Through this course, you learn how to love God as you love your children, partner and the other family members. And the course is the most basic step for man to go to the Kingdom of Heaven.
A family has grandparents, parents, husband and wife, brothers and sisters. All human beings indicate an amplification of the components of a family. A family that can love another family is able to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. It's a surprising fact. They can inherit all the God-given privilege and powers.
Even in a noble family a long time ago, the most sacrificial and effort-making person was supposed to be the heir of the family, no matter how many candidates there were. (143-285)
Everybody! Have you ever known the origin of love? [Yes] So you have to love your family. The family is the textbook which shows how to get the ticket to the Kingdom of Heaven. The family is the training center for love. The world is an amplified family where there are a world of grandfather, a world of grandmother, a world of parents, a world of husbands and wives, and a world of sons and daughters. So it is the straight and proper way to the Kingdom of Heaven for you to love other people as you love your family and God.
So the first commandment says, "Love God, the Lord, with your all heart and mind." The second one says, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself' Love God, love people, that's all. Training will be in vain. It is just nothing, if you can't do so. Religion teaches how to train yourself. Without loving people, the Universe and God, it can be nothing.
Frankly speaking, the family is the place where you experience love and practice it in the world and where you and your parents have grown up and lived. It's like a microcosm. And the Unification Church has built a new type of family as a new training camp, centered on True Parents.
So you have to love your parents much more than you love your wife. It doesn't mean that you have to abandon your wife. If you love people like that, your love- receiving people will come to love your wife. There is no more glorious thing than that. (142-242)
What is the family? It is the training center to realize the ideal nation and world with love. Furthermore, it is the place where you can experience God and the Heavenly world. And such a power of love attracts this world, the spiritual world and even God. Just think of the day when God will feel happiness at last.
Then, what is the ideal family? That is the place where you fish in the Universe with love. Realize that the family is the place to fish with love! So, you will feel still happy, even if hooked. For this, we come to have a home, the ideal home. Also it is the ideal man who can live in such an ideal home. (106-26)
Who is a true man? The true man is a very good-natured man. Then, who is a good-natured man? It is not the good-natured man who wishes that all would obey him, but the man who wants to live for the sake of the others. When we are speaking of the most valuable, promising, and best-natured child in your family, the child must be the person who can get the answers yes, which means all the agreement of the family members from his grandparents to even relatives. With no doubt, the child is not the one who wants his grandfather to make him happy but the one who likes and loves his grandfather. Although he is a little child, he always considers how to act and how to serve, in order to make his grandfather happy.
He also tries to help all his family members including his relatives, day and night. Such a man is a really promising and true son or grandson. None could deny this point. Such a person is the man who can inherit goodness. 360 degrees of a circle has one point in it's center. When something crosses the circle and goes to the opposite point, it can't help passing by the point of the center. And a circle can be formed and balanced, centered upon the point in the middle. Every line which crosses the center from different angle, has the same length to the opposite side.
Then, what's the central line? It is the thing which holds all the power and pressure running through the object. That is to say, in a family there are parents in the center, and brothers and sisters, relatives in the front, back, right and left side. That makes up a round shaped family. Then, who can be the central being, like the hub of a wheel? Who is the most promising and true man in the family? He must be such a person with whom every member of the family wants to be together. This kind of man can deserve being the central being. (174-11)
Who can be the master of the family? He is not the one who wants to satisfy his desire at the cost of an other's sacrifice but the one who makes sacrifices for the sake of others. Thus, he can be approved as the center of the family. Even parents wish to give him an everlasting blessing, on their knees. (60-69)
For example, there are parents, six brothers and sisters, a total of eight members in a family. If the youngest brother is the most sacrificial among them, even the parents will bow their heads. As time goes on, his brothers and sisters will look upon him as the central being of the family. They come to recognize that such a sacrificial youngest brother should be the central being. That's why people
always say, "Do something good!, do something good!" What does that mean? It means that you have to do something good for an other's sake. Then, you will be the central being. (77-298)
You might have fought with your sisters or brothers. If you did so, you should go back and give a feast to make them happy, and must apologize for your past behavior. And you've got to become reconciled with them and love them again as you love your mother and father. How wonderful it is! It means that after your parents pass away, the remaining brothers and sisters have to help, serve, and love each other and regard each other as parents themselves. From such a mind and heart, the Kingdom of Heaven starts to come true. Understand? [Yes]
Through all members of your family and relatives, you can see the image of your mother and father. Furthermore, they are like gifts from God. And you are taught how to love other people even at the cost of your life. The Kingdom of Heaven is the place where people love each other and live together. Everyone! Speaking of an aunt or uncle, you'd better think that you can see the image of your grandfather and grandmother through your aunt or uncle.
From this point of view, the world is an amplified family. There in the world are the same age groups of grandparents, aunt, uncle, parents, brother and sister as a family which has such groups. If something is round-shaped, we can call it a circle. You should love and serve the old people as you do your grandparents.
If you encounter some beggar who is your father's age, you need to pity and love him as you do your father. If he is your brother's or sister's age, treats him or her in the same way as you do your physical brother and sister. If you do so, what a wonderful thing you are doing!
Well, from the light and position of God, all human beings in the world are His sons and daughters. Then, does God feel happy when they fight with each other? Absolutely not. It is the same principle and concept applicable to your family relationship, too. Do you understand? (184-65)
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