Passages from Dr. Lee
Spirit World
Even though the spirit world appears to he the same as the visible phe-nomenal world, the scale of the spirit world cannot he compared with the scale of the physical world. For instance, in the phenomenal world, mate-riality and space limit a car, but in the spirit world, a car's form can be changed at will. Its direction of movement is also free. The car moves with a driver's thought and can even pass through a mountain in a moment. It can move as freely as in fantasy movies or science fiction travel, which children like very much. Even though the motion of the car may look chaotic, because they are keeping spiritual law, there are no accidents at all.
Life in the Spirit World
Earthly people wake up in the morning and sleep at night, and spirit persons behave the same way. However, in the spirit world, morning and night do not follow a regular order. Morning and night can be changed according to one's thinking.I do not know who first described the spirit world as containing hell, Paradise, and the kingdom of heaven respectively, but the distinctions are proper. Huge gaps exist in these levels of life. For one thing, hell is very bizarre. We can never see comparable sights in the physical world.
For instance, I saw one woman standing nude, and beside her, a man touched the lower part of her body. Beside them, another woman fought with her, arguing that the man's lower part was her own. Despite their grotesque nature, they did not feel ashamed.Once, when a Japanese woman ran wearing wooden shoes and fell down, another woman came and hid the shoes as if they were her own. The woman who lost her shoes then tried to find them, while the woman who hid the shoes feigned ignorance. Then, others who saw all that had occurred shouted out that the woman was a thief, and attacked her, strik-ing and kicking. These things happen very often.
When an old man cannot eat food because he injured l)is finger a young man comes and takes the elder's food, stuffing it into his mouth. These things always happen in hell. Another woman, who was forced to cut off her hair, felt ashamed, and hid her head with a towel. But people passing by her, took her towel and cleaned their hands and faces with it. When the owner of the towel took it again from the people and covered her head, people forcibly grabbed it back, cut it in half with scissors and returned the other half to her. Then, because she could not hide her shame, she withdrew to a dark place.
(Today's wolds were spoken not with excitement but with quiet and calm.)
Heaven is the Place where Thought and Action Become One
What kind of name is heaven? I don't know, but these sentences are written either in heaven or Eden. No matter, it is the place where words and deeds are one.As an example, if I think, "Today what kind of meat will I eat, what do I want to eat?" with that thought simultaneously a huge feast will appear before me. Also, if I think, "Today where do I want to go, who do I want to see?" I'm already there. Even if I think, "What if that person isn't dressed when I arrive there?" and he happens to be stark naked, then we will have a good laugh.
Recently I thought, "When blind people come to heaven, will they be different from those who had sight on earth?" A grandfather and a midget suddenly stood in front of me. The midget had been blind, but the grand-father had possessed good eyesight, so I asked, "In heaven, are there blind people?" Their answer was, "We came because you asked a question, While on earth I was blind, but here in heaven there is not even the term, blindness; there is no blindness. I can see everything." I asked, "Grandfather, you can see, so why did you come?" He said, "You asked about the difference between a person who had earthly sight and one who had not. You can see both with your eyes and with your mind. With eyes you can visibly see an object, but the thing you can see with your mind you can see better than with your eyes."
In heaven, the environment abounds with many bright jewels. Because of the surrounding brightness and luster, you cannot hide any dif-ficulties between each other. Everything can be seen and known with the eyes and mind. If I am filled with light and my hair dazzles golden, it is due to a golden light that is filled with a radiant ecstasy. This is the place where your mind is always filled with peace and serenity, where difficul-ty, discomfort and hunger do not exist. Heaven is the place where you will find no difficulty to express or explain anything.
Hell is the Place You Cannot Imagine in Heaven
In hell you endure hunger and suffering; hell swims in jealousy and discomfort. Due to such suffering, fighting cannot be avoided. Everyone feels uncomfortable. In heaven you have the freedom to follow your mind, but in hell you can't do a single thing according to your own will. In hell, you take others' possessions by force and eat by stealth. People on earth cannot imagine how bad hell really is.
"Sang Hun Ah!" This Is Love
[Ed.: Only his pa rents; grandparents or close friends would refer to Dr. Sang Hun Lee as “Sang Hun ah. “]On earth, if Father introduces a story of love, he always speaks in ref-erence to convex and concave. When you think of love you think about convex and concave, hut these words, you realize, are too technical.
Calling out, "Sang-Hun-ah," that sound has such a feeling of love that it melts down everything. Love possesses such sensitivity that it must for-give even a brutal crime, or be comfortable when near a person who stinks with the smell of old fish. Even then love possesses the passive feeling of ease and comfort. The word "love" does not adequately describe the heart. Something more is needed. It's having a feeling totally without envy. Even in the most normal circumstances, when you take a step, or speak a word, or when you wear clothes, using just the word, "love," is unsatisfactory. For God, there is no phrase beautiful or deep enough to express or encompass the thought of love. God calls out, "Sang-Hun-ah! That's love!" If you flawlessly embrace the will of love, there will be no fighting or suffering on earth. There is no adequate way to elucidate perfectly the word "love." This is love.
The Concept of Heaven and Hell
In heaven there is no way to worry or have any anxiety at all. You are living and going about as one mass of love perfectly suited. Hell is the place where you spin around on the edge of discomfort, worry, anxiety and conflict, because you live in a world where you cannot know anything about love. In summation, hell is the place alienated from love, and heaven is the holy, perfect unity of love. Simply speaking, heaven is the place where there is nothing that doesn't have love, and hell is the place where there is not one iota of love. It is possible for the fruit of love to bud and sprout and bring about the liberation of hell.
What is the Middle Realm of Spirit World?
On the earth, what we thought of as the middle realm of Spirit World is actually somewhat different. Amidst the many communities of the world, people worked to establish nations that are far away from service to God. People work to elevate themselves without concern for religion; they gather in places without a relationship of faith.In this place it is difficult to see something which resembles either heaven or hell. There are many similarities to the earth. As an example, during mealtime in the kitchen, someone is working, someone is clean-ing dishes, preparing food, or serving food; everyone will work together. To describe the people in this realm: in heaven people are very bright; in hell, people are always uneasy and restless, but here people are always very busy and working hard, never resting. At a special event, people will be alive with energy, but there is no concern whatsoever for God or reli-gion.
In this place people hear the Unification Thought lecture, but some people ask foolish questions, such as, isn't there a world where only peo-ple alike live together? Their questions make no sense or are extremely simplistic. You feel that witnessing will take a very long time. The middle realm of Spirit World is not heaven and not hell, but has many different levels. It's a place where it is very difficult to get across to people any idea of God or Principle or Unification Thought.
The middle realms are massive, so the variety is difficult to explain.In this realm the common people are very distinguishable from Unification members. Unification members are full of life. You can't observe any dif-ficulty among them. Also they are filled with peace and they live enthu-siastically. If they have some workshop, there is a lot of fun and games and laughter and enjoyment. Compared to our members, others appear very different. They have no pulse, no life. Their activities are very pas-sive and lazy. They have weary and tired faces. Why do the common people, as opposed to Unification Church members, have such a sad demeanor? It's because they have no hope and no desire. But Unification Church members in the middle realms have hope and desire because they expect and wait for God's special privilege to come to them and they know God's basic will. Common people don't know God's will. They are not in a place of hope. The common people and Unification Church members stay in different regions.
Sadly, there are many members who cannot stay in the Unification realm of spirit world. There are many reasons for this. First, even though a couple received the Blessing, one person deviated from the path and they could not establish a family. Or second, they received the Blessing, but the couple lived without care for God's will. Or third, the couple received the Blessing but their life became uncentered. There are many cases like this. They have the form and name of Unification member. Since they are called members, they may come to the middle region of spirit world.
What do they do in this place? This group of members always dwells in the place where they can receive God's, Heung Jin Nim's, and True Parents' special Blessings and favor. How? They can enjoy time together, listen to Divine Principle lectures and receive faith guidance. Therefore they all have hope. Also, this area receives a lot of attention from God and Heung Jin Nim.People of the world can enter this middle region of Spirit World, but only Unification Church members can enter a special classroom to receive education regarding the direction of righteousness and justice. This is really amazing. You don't understand the meaning of the Blessing while on earth, because you can't see it. But from heaven there is an exorbitant condition that can be received. True Parents are giving the Blessing with-out price. The reason is because of our Parents' merit. While True Parents are living on the earth in this time, they are giving great Blessings to you. So we must go out to give the Blessing to many people in our area. That is the Unification way of giving Blessing to others.
Paradise on earth was thought to be somewhere between heaven and hell, but that is not accurate. In Paradise people form groups within which they naturally belong. For example, Koreans go to Korea town, Chinese go to Chinatown, and Japanese go to Japan town.
How Are Works People Do on Earth Recorded in Spirit World?
How people live life on earth determines what is recorded in Spirit World. For example, how a president of a country lived his life is record-ed in Spirit World. Whether or not he lived his life for himself or for the sake of his country is what is officially recorded. If your life was just spent on petty things or you were irrationally materialistic, or if you were sim-ply an evil person, not a true person, it is all recorded. It is just as if you were to write your own autobiography. As you arrange the final moments of your life, you will consider how you established your life's path. God appears unconditionally. How wonderful if in your life you worked hard. Even the president of a country comes to Spirit World without pretense. The foundation of your life will appear in front of you.You become a complete spirit person 40 days after your life ends. During this 40 days you travel back and forth between the physical and spirit worlds, and your place of residence is prepared. During this time God does not intervene. Although your ancestors will cooperate with you, they cannot help you 100 percent. You have to work yourself to establish your residence. No one judges you. Each person's seat of judgement is differ-ent. After you go to your home, if you get set up in the place where you desire as far as geography and topography are concerned, no one will force something upon you. Your spirit guide will appear and naturally direct you.
According to the way of Spirit World, the atmosphere of guidance or judgement is different. You may receive some benefit as a result of hav-ing spent time as the president of a country, although there were condi-tions in place that allowed you to make a large contribution to the nation. There is no room for not keeping a position of goodness; if you don't keep your existence of value, then you'll receive punishment up to and not more than you justly deserve. This is the spirit world. Whether you were the president or a person at the opposite end of the social spectrum, class distinction holds no sway over the spiritual foundation.
We estimate the value of a person from a moral basis, and ask to what extent he lived a righteous life. "In spirit world," a medium asked, "isn't there an awareness of social distinction between the lowest level worker and those with scholarly achievement? In the physical world there exists such a distinction between the learned and the unlearned." Dr. Lee answered: "In spirit world, the field of your work is different from your scholarly major on earth. But your greatest embarrassment is not that, but comes rather if you made a mistake in your life and you were ignorant of the value of your life. The manner in which the distinction of academic achievement appears in Spirit World differs from the way it appears on earth."
The Difference Between
Religious and Non-Religious People
The difference between a person of faith and a person of no faith is enormous. This creates a considerable class structure, or several levels. While living a life of faith, a sincere person may be able to draw close to God's favor. However, even if you live according to faith, if you lack con-scientiousness, your faith doesn't matter. Such a person will reside in a position similar to one who lived in ignorance of God, in a place where God has nothing to do with them. Regarding religious and non-religious people, God's grace comes later to the non-religious. Even in heaven, when a favor is bestowed, apprehensions arise. God gives His blessing to humankind through the Holy Spirit. Through loving humankind, heaven also receives benefit. The time will come when in freedom you will move to a place you desire, one that reflects the spiritual merit you achieved while in your body. At that time, you will move based on God's command.What is the Difference Between Unification Members' Position and Other Religions' Members?
A huge difference exists. I can explain this in a word. In spirit world, regions differ. Here, according to the former life of each member, each one differs a little from another, but all the various realms in Spirit World are significantly different. Here, the thing that is hugely different is the position in relation to God.Limits exist which determine how well people belonging to another religion can hear, feel or talk to God. But Unification Church members by all means reside in a position where they may breathe together with God. Among Unification Church members, there exist several layers.
There are distinguishable, revered positions. I'm sorry, but it is for the sake of our members that Sang Hun Lee is speaking, to enable and help us to adjust our lives here on earth and to assist us when we go to Spirit World. Differences arise according to how we went the way of True Parents. The position of the 36 couples is most intense. This is the highest family posi-tion, but I cannot easily express all the difficulty and hardship connected with it. Particularly, we have all of our mistakes disclosed.
When on earth, many members or their families get caught in the problem of women, the problem of public money, or other similar prob-lems. Eventually, we all go to live in God's house and there, everything of one's self is exposed. For example, we see at all times someone's sin of having sex with a different woman. We can see in detail the sins of a man who used public money for himself and went to a bar and fell with a woman. The Unification Church members reside in a place more fright-ening than hell. The same holds true for a low-level family or any other type of family.
Many levels exist according to the nature of the crime or sin committed. However, we mostly reside in the realm of Spirit World closest to God. We also maintain a prison where people with grave sins must stay. How wonderful it is that we can go the way of indemnifying our sin by gath-ering in such a place among those criminals. No place exists where one can indemnify and solve sin alone. Through prayer, tithing, service and other such public efforts made by their descendants on earth, the door to the prison will be opened for spirit persons and they will be able to leave. When such persons leave prison, they will receive spiritual guidance according to their position.
After paying all our indemnity, at that point will we be able to live peacefully? Yes, once our descendants indemnify our sin. So if our descen-dants pray for us and offer their whole heart, the spirits which benefit from that indemnity will escape their misery. But our position is to escape only to return again. If earthly people pray and invest their heart, it inevitably shortens a person's indemnity period. However, on earth they mostly don't know a person's situation. So many must undergo a course of men-tal suffering for quite a long time.
If one's path of hardship is long in Spirit World, then whether the descendants on earth know it or not, he will be incessantly hindered. If ancestors suffer, their descendants also must endure in an uncomfortable position. More simply put, when ancestors commit crime, descendants receive punishment. There is no other path but to remember the way of heaven. Each must go the way of righteousness.
Mrs. Kim! This is Sang Hun Lee. I am Sang Hun Lee. If you record my words, your health will gradually improve.
Life in Spirit World
Spirit people decide their own position by how they lived on earth. If you lived selfishly, then you will suffer in a position praying for a thou-sand years without special grace. People in the Spirit World who lived in peace on earth also enable their descendants to live peacefully. But if peo-ple lived evil lives, then when they come to Spirit World, they live in hell and their descendants are always oppressed with problems. For example:If we examine a person who suffers hell in the Spirit World, they really exist in pain.
The environment is dark, and as in a prison, there is no freedom. There is nothing to eat or wear. Your descendants on earth can do noth-ing to undo and disentangle all your evil deeds. They do not know how to carry your burden or how to pray for you. But, if their ancestors' wrong-doing becomes known, and the descendants serve with utmost sincerity and prayer, then the spirit PCI.5()~ can receive grace. That spirit person can move to a better place where he is treated hospitably and undergoes a change. Who will make that happen? That is the subject of my talk today. Whether you spend money on earth or not, there exists some support for you, but it's not the same in Spirit World. The wind blows, flowers bloom and birds sing but you can't change just because someone commands you to. There is no one whose mere command can change you. The resolu-tion to change can only happen within you. You must reach the point of self-awareness.If descendants sincerely offer their hearts for the sinners in Spirit World, then such spirit people can come to the point of understanding themselves and how they must change. Fortunately, there are many peo-ple who understand this spiritual law. On earth, when a shaman dances and delves into the ancestors' situation, they can only comfort the ancestors. The shaman cannot solve their ancestors' problems. But if the ances-tors receive grace through the sincere and elevated prayer of their descendants, then they may l)e able to search out heaven's messenger and God's commandment.
The Life of Earthly People
Therefore, people's lives on earth are very important. It takes too much time to improve your position as a spirit person so you can receive effective grace. It takes a long time to move beyond ignorance. Because of that, adjust your focus now on the eternal world and live that way. Through adjusting your focus, humankind will live much more wisely. We hope no person will be foolish in their faith and make eternal mistakes because the natural consequence is a nation full of foolish people here. They can't solve anything. Regarding life in that country, I can't explain everything, but, to summarize it in a word, your life should be fruitful; you should bear fruit. To speak more plainly: committing sin leads only to hell. Live a life of goodness. That is the way of heaven. Please live well for the sake of eternity.
Mrs. Kim! This is Sang Hun Lee. Thank you. Thank you very much for preparing your mind beforehand to receive.
Earthly People
First, let's take a look at the people on earth. Earthly people look with physical eyes, touch physically and act physically. Earthly people live physically limited to a confined amount of space. For example:Human beings live through a time period of 10, 20, or 60 years. Also, on earth, though I desired an object, I could not automatically obtain it. Earth people may artificially make things, but they cannot adequately bring into existence something in the mind that occurred as thought. Earth people get hungry, but if they don't move they won't eat. Also, because you act within finite space, when someone misses you in the realm of thought, it just stops there. Also, when you go through physi-cal pain, you don't know the solution as a certainty. For example, when people of faith have an illness, they will turn to prayer and other such approaches to healing, but non-believers just go to the hospital.
Spirit People
Spirit people are different. Spirit people, because the physical body does not confine them, have an infinite realm in which to act. Let's look at an example: whether looking, touching or acting, because it appears immediately with your thought, there is no length of time. Because spirit people can simultaneously move something with thought, just as with the touch of the hand, time is condensed and it doesn't require someone else to aid you to solve a problem. At the same instant a spirit person thinks, another spirit person can receive it, and this doesn't require words. When a spirit person develops his logic with definitiveness and exact precision, he can transmit the exact details and they will appear right before the face of the other person. So you can very quickly express your circumstances because your partner immediately recognizes your expression of feeling.Spirit people can know completely all of God's creation process from the beginning, as well as the whole concept of what we call a person, so we can never cause God pain. (This is one thing that separates heaven from hell.) Spirit people, if they work hard in their own sphere, will evolve as the highest master of a skill and will receive their reward. Thus, no greed exists and they always carry a tranquil countenance. (This is also a dividing point of heaven and hell.) In other words, for the sake of solv-ing a problem of food or clothing, there arises no harassment or annoy-ance, and our facial expressions remain benign and humble. If I summarize the difference between physical and spirit people, physical people live and act within the confines of space. They remain busy act-ing to solve difficult problems and they suffer due to food and clothing needs, but spirit people can move freely throughout limitless space. Because the worries of food and clothing have been removed, we are infinitely bright and humble. Our conclusion: bear good fruit in your physical life and when you come to heaven you will appreciate the cor-rectness of this teaching.
The Principle of Duality in Spirit World
In the Divine Principle, in the discourse on Unification Thought, the principle of duality teaches that give and take action takes place when sub-ject and object give and receive, reciprocally generating Origin-Division-Union Action (O-D-U Action). Through this we receive joy. This is the fundamental principle of God. So let's talk about the difference between the physical and spirit worlds. In the physical realm, when subject and object, through give and take action, achieve O-D-U Action, there is joy at becoming one. In Spirit World, the feeling of joy that comes from becoming one in O-D-U Action through give and take action is somewhat different. For example: In the process of giving to another and their recep-tion, there is no time involved. Because O-D-~J happens with thought, you don't actually see any sign of give and take action. This is a clearly revealed account of the basis for heaven, where completed individuals are gathered according to the principle of duality.
Give and Take Action in Spirit World
The fundamental concept of give and take action is unity between sub-ject and object through giving and receiving with each other and becom-ing one through love. We can see this achieves the model of the kingdom of heaven. In heaven, give and take action happens even when you just look up towards each other; you become literally one perfect body. But in hell, or outside of this realm, there exists a lot of difference in the level of give and take action based on the class or position of each person. The fundamental teaching of the Creation Principle is that give and take action in heaven is where you fundamentally accomplish and complete the pur-pose of God's creation. Because hell is the place where you cannot under-stand God's foundation at all, there exists only one relative principle in hell. Even as you progress, you must think of one very important point in order to achieve the liberation of hell: You must strive towards the goal of give and take action. This is very similar to the situation on earth.
The Intimate Relationship between Life on Earth and Life in Heaven.
How can my life on Earth be consummated in heaven? The eternal position in which we are placed is decided based on the standard of good or evil during our life on earth. Based on whom my life was centered upon on earth, my position in the eternal world (God's side, Satan's side, athe-ist) is decided. Though there might be some differences based on indi-vidual achievement, a spirit of nationalism and a worldview, the formation of personality is far more important in heaven than is a spirit of national-ism or a worldview. The thought that because I worked in a higher posi-tion on earth, I will be placed in a higher position in heaven, is wrong.Therefore, the most worthwhile and fruitful way is to live with my heart centered on God, renouncing personal greed and leading a life of rever-ence and respect. Then we can live with our heads up in heaven.
Mrs. Kim! To describe the scene here for a moment: the present time is very precious. Many people who received direction from God are pray-ing and are about to begin their work. Now, let us begin. Love, as the let-ter can explain, is the state of mind where you are acting with all your heart, sincerely and devotedly for others. In love, there exist conjugal love, spiritual love, and religious agape love.
Conjugal Love
Conjugal love is the love where men and women are connected phys-ically. On earth, we can feel emotion when our bodies can meet and love. But in heaven, a man and woman without physical bodies can love. The conjugal love between those high spirits (those who are close to God) is like a beautiful picture. Since the bodies of the two become totally one when they love, they can feel a strong emotion through their bodies and minds which goes beyond the feeling of love they felt on Earth. It is like creating a higher existence from the state of a complete absence of ego. It is like feeling you are in a magical world.Also, you can actually view the scene of making love with your own eyes. Couples on Earth make love in their bedrooms most of the time. Here, in heaven, that is absolutely not the case. It is not a hidden love which you can only perform in your bedroom. In heaven, you might love among wild flowers in a field, on beautiful land or on an ocean wave. You can even love in the mountains where the birds are singing and the scene is so beautiful that those who watch you will become intoxicated. Rather than feeling shame or disgrace as you felt on the earth, you can observe the scene with a peaceful mind, admiring the beauty.
Hell is just the opposite. People in hell make love hidden away, and those who see the conjugal scene curse them. They point their fingers at them saying they are ugly. Those love scenes in hell are very similar to those on Earth.
Spiritual Love
Since spiritual love is not physically observed through the action of the body, it looks to some as though it is not related to those who live on the Earth. Yet, it is a love that is absolutely necessary to those who live on the Earth. Since everybody has his or her own inner self, if you do not cultivate your inner self well, you are going to encounter many problems in making your love complete (becoming one as husband and wife) in heaven.For example, suppose there is one couple where the husband's inner self is well cultivated while the inner self of the wife is not; then there will not be complete love in this family. Then what will happen? They cannot make an elegant and beautiful love. Yet since they have a desire to love, they will make conjugal love with only limited love, in limited places, such as their bedroom. Then how can these couples make a complete love? When the husband's heart to respect his wife and the wife's heart to love her husband become one, their love can develop and mature into a com-plete love. Since this takes a longer time to achieve in heaven, when you are on Earth, with your own physical body, you have to try to cultivate your heart and bear the fruit of complete love.
In conclusion, we should use our short life on Earth well, in antici-pation of the complete love that will be awaiting the mature couple in heaven. Couples bear the fruit of complete love by cultivating and encour-aging each other to achieve true love.
Agape Love Due to Religion
When God created us, He bestowed on us the capacity for uncondi-tional love. This is Agape Love. However, due to the Human Fall and the subsequent changes over the ages, the original standard of love God gave to LIS has been deteriorating. Therefore, because of the resulting existence of hell, God and human beings endured much pain in their hearts. In reverse, by acknowledging the worth of unconditional, fundamental love, the path to the liberation of hell can be opened up and hell can be destroyed. Conjugal Love and Spiritual Love must exist only between hus-band and wife. However, by the destruction of this kind of relationship 9f love, humanity became separated from their foundation of God's uncon-ditional love. God wanted, to endlessly bestow Love upon us. With this love you want to give and give, and it becomes bigger and bigger even after you give.However, since the foundation was destroyed, today, the road to sal-vation has become difficult. By establishing the true sense of husband and wife, we must love, trust and have a conciliatory attitude toward each other. Sometimes, we must forgive and reconcile with each other.
Therefore, by becoming one with the love God bestowed upon us, the road to the liberation of all humankind will be opened and hell in the eternal world will disappear. Accordingly, if we trust and love each other, neither hell nor war will afflict humankind. Because we led our lives with-out knowing this principle well, the way to the heavenly world became complicated, and the groaning punishment of hell came into being. We must cultivate and keep a strong love between husband and wife, and cul-tivate the fundamental inborn love God bestowed to us.
Spirit Selves' Help for Persons on Earth
The spirits in the Spirit World cannot improve themselves without the cooperation of persons on Earth. That is, our spirit selves were created to live forever in the Spirit World based upon the. foundation of life on the Earth. Therefore, unless spirit selves can rid themselves of the sins they committed, they are destined to live receiving punishment, forever. For example, when a murderer comes to the Spirit World, a horrible (cruel) punishment will be with him forever. He who killed a man with a knife, his spirit self will be stabbed with a knife; he who shot a man to death, his spirit self will have a bullet stuck in his heart.Also, he who beat a man to death with a stone, his spirit self has to live with his eyes pulled out, and his body being bruised and bloody. He who killed a person by kicking with his feet, his spirit self will stay pros-trated with his face down while being stepped on with his own feet. He who killed a person with poison, his spirit self will be collapsed spitting blood, and he who killed a man with an ax or sickle will have the instru-ment stuck in the chest of his spirit self.
Among those spirit selves, some try to hide the sins they committed on earth, yet they cannot be hidden despite their efforts. Those spirit selves also try to liquidate their past sins on Earth, yet it cannot be done as they wish. Myriad spirits are trying hard to lead a life better than their current situations; again, it cannot be accomplished as they wish. Those spirit selves miss life on Earth and are willing to do any odd and peculiar things to rid themselves of their sins. However, the record once entered cannot be erased. It is common for all spirit selves that they wish to hide and erase their lives on Earth (the sinful behaviors), and feel shameful of those lives being shown to others, yet it seems more tragic since their efforts to hide and erase are also shown to others so vividly.
How Do Spirit Selves Help Persons on Earth?
In order for the spirit selves to be liberated from their positions, they cannot avoid pain and suffering without the help of the people on Earth. Also, since they cannot rid themselves of the sins they committed, the spir-it selves definitely go to the place (they lived on Earth). They go to their own flesh and blood, or someone related in some way, and keep send-ing signals. However, because those who live on Earth are not aware of it, unusual disasters happen, such as a sick person at home, financial dif-ficulties, or automobile accidents. Finally, when the descendent can find out the reason, and therefore can pray and donate for that spirit self, then the spirit self can be promoted to a little bit better position (from his cur-rent position) in recognition of his descendant's services. However, if they do not know the reason, then there will be continuous accidents and mishaps, and people will (lie. As a result, there will be more troubled ancestors.Therefore, if a family cannot find any problems in their faith, but nevertheless has continuous accidents big or small, it can be concluded that this family has ancestors who have complicated problems. Then the fastest way to solve these problems is through prayer, with faith.
Now, the fortune-teller, whose spiritual level is rather low, can solve the issue, yet those spirit selves can only be consoled temporarily; their suffer-ing and pain cannot be solved completely. This is the big difference between those who know God and those who do not. (The spirit selves can stay for quite a while, yet, as time passes, they will be the same.) The spirit selves do not have any solutions from where they are placed, despite their strug-gling and wiggling at their position. The more severe those spirit selves' lives become, the more difficult and complicated the lives of their descendent on Earth become. The spirit selves in the Spirit World, in order to receive the cooperation from those on Earth, come to their descendants mobilizing all sorts of methods. However, because the descendants do not know the method to solve the problem, the family's fortune will wane and the ances-tors' painful lives will repeat themselves. Since those spirit selves who advanced to better positions with the help of the people on Earth can lead more comfortable lives, the lives of their descendent can be more peaceful.
The Relationship between Spirit Selves and Persons on Earth
Now, let's examine the relationship between the people on Earth and the spirit self in the Spirit World. The relationship between those two can be compared with that between needle and thread. That is, the relation-ship between the people on Earth and the spirit self in the Spirit World is like the relationship between the body and spirit. Also the relationship between the two is like the one between husband and wife who cannot be separated and therefore become one. Therefore, it goes without say-ing that the person on Earth should lead a good life when they have a physical body. However, it is when they no longer have a body, that is, when they already become spirit selves, they come to a realization that they did not lead a good life. I would like to conclude that when you live on Earth with your body, you have to prepare for the eternal life, sum-marize your life, and lead everyday life sincerely and faithfully.What and how can the descendants do for the sake of those spirit selves who already lost their bodies? Their position can be comfortable when the descendent on Earth prays for them. Today, the status that our True Parents granted us, the right to become a Tribal Messiah is an immensely special status. It is great that I can save my ancestors through prayer in my name. Therefore, because my life on Earth can be made com-fortable by praying for my ancestors, thereby having them ascend to more comfortable places, it is natural that I should save my ancestors. Keeping in mind that this is the path by which we can offer a little help to our True Parents, by easing the pain of our True Parents in the Spirit World, we have to complete our lives when we have our own bodies on Earth well.
It is so natural that we have to complete our duties as Tribal Messiahs for our ancestors' favor, and it also can become the path for those spirit selves who observed it, to receive a special grant.
The medium asked, "In the relationship between the person on Earth and the Spirit Self in the Spirit World, do those spirit selves who are placed in good positions without any difficulties still need cooperation, favor, or prayer from the person on Earth?" And his answer is as follows, "Since a human is composed of spirit and body, a dual structure, the principle is that those who lost their bodies should live in the Spirit World and those who have bodies are supposed to live on Earth.
"It should be assumed that there must be reasons the spirit selves send signals to the person on Earth. Because of the tie of the blood lineage, they are sending signals, sometimes for good purposes and sometimes for bad. The person on Earth should be able to discriminate between these based on the Law of Principle, and the spirit self should not confuse the person on Earth. Many times, since God does not intervene in the matter of blood lineage, we human beings should find rebirth through the spir-it of God in order to live truthful lives."
Common Point of Spirit Selves and Persons on Earth
Since the people on Earth have bodies, there are times when they can-not do whatever they wish at their convenience. The spirit selves, though, do not have a body and are free to move within their position (through different degrees of freedom obtained based on the position). The person on Earth, though, has a body and leads a limited life everywhere. Spirit selves, though, without a body, can lead an active life in the eternal world. The person on Earth, though, has a body and cannot occupy an eternal place. Spirit selves do not have a body, so they can have an eternal place. If I list the differences between those two, it will be endless.Now, let's examine the points they share in common. Both life on Earth and life in the Spirit World are only half the story. Therefore, each can accomplish only half. Then, how can the successful resolution of body and mind lead to the bearing of complete fruit? Before the body and spirit are separated by physical death, they have to finish their lives on Earth. Then they can be complete fruit. However, when the spirit person comes to Spirit World with their spirits not fully ripe, there arise problems. Therefore, to solve the problems, the relationship between the ancestors and the descendent becomes complicated.
Now, again, we have to bear in mind the importance of life lived on Earth. In order to live forever in the beautiful house God prepared for us, we should not live for the "half life" as our goal. I hope your life on Earth is the one that can bear the complete fruit of spirit and body and there-fore greet the harvest season with joy.
While recording the message, the medium showed some doubts about Dr. Sang Hun Lee. Then he said, "Please let's stop writing the phrase, 'I am Sang Hun Lee who wrote the Unification ideology."'
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