If you disobey physical laws, you will harm yourself and others.
When you harmonize with nature and her laws, you stay healthy and enjoy
the creation. Likewise, if you disregard spiritual laws, the way of Heaven,
you jeopardize your spiritual health. As the body hungers for physical
food, the spirit hungers for spiritual food. Service and sacrifice are
the basic nourishment, or vitality elements, for the spirit. Through living
for the sake of others, your spirit grows. You move into alignment with
Nonetheless, alignment with Heaven in the family begins with true marriage,
and you cannot accomplish a true marriage by yourself! It requires a man
and a woman working together. Throughout history, in every culture, there
has been a problem between man and woman, preventing us from receiving
Heaven's Blessing in marriage. The problem is selfishness, and it has a
spiritual root. Spiritual traditions refer to the root of selfishness as
Satan, Iblis, maya, fear, sexism, and so forth. This root bears the fruit
of adultery, murder and the world of suffering.
The root cause of struggle in the family is the absence of God's involvement.
If God is not in the marriage, true love will not be present in the family.
Although people agree that sexuality is an expression of love and that
love originates in God, God has never been a part of sexual union.
God desires a central role in the total love of His children. He wants
to make it great. God wants to consecrate each marriage. Once His Blessing
is given, God will be in the midst of your family. You will feel God's
presence, and your family will overflow with love.
Today you have the opportunity to invite God into your marriage. Through
the Blessing of Marriage, you and your family will dwell together eternally.
When individuals align themselves with Heaven, marriages will be aligned
with Heaven. Such marriages will be free of abuse since both partners are
selfless and loving. By aligning your marriage with Heaven, you open the
gates of Heaven's abundant blessings.
We mark every significant event in our lives with a ceremony. What is
more significant than celebrating God's deeper presence in your marriage?
A ceremony is held for married couples to celebrate God's eternal Blessing
and their dedication to each other and God.
God is calling all couples to receive His Blessing of Marriage today.
The road to happiness and fulfillment is set before you, but you need to
take the next step.
Apply today for the Blessing of Marriage!