Pentagram Nights

Merry Meet! My name is Sebastian. I am the Guardian to all that chose to enter Pentagram Nights. Enjoy your journey.


Moon Magick This area contains information on understanding and using the moons magick to help enhance your spellwork.


This area will deal with Fairies and their friends. It has a rough outline there now. But this well be developed.


You can always buy wine and nibblies for after spellwork, but I think it is more fun to make what you can yourself.Yummy!

Book of Shadows Usual listing of spells, recipes.

This page currently contains a information on books contained in my own Library. It will eventually contain information on books related to Witchcraft, listed in beginners, intermediate and advanced listings. Enjoy!

Book Store
The Book store is in association with I have selected books that I think well be of interested to you. If your looking for a particular book there is a search system to help you. Happy shopping!

My Treasure Awards
These are the awards I have won, during my Treasure Hunts at various sites.

This Links are spilt into two categories. Favourite's sites of mine and sites that I have used to create this site.


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